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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I know this has been beat to death but never paid much attention to that one. What does it take to put these things on a 1st Gen?
  2. Kind of embarassing. Little noise and nothing!! Kind of a relief too. It can't be over but we are ready!! All I really hear this morning was a couple of "what are you doing out here?" I just told them "Beating the state out of a paycheck!!" Really though they were going to do something this time. Been thru a LOT worse. Might be getting time to retire.
  3. They are always Woofing about something. Don't know why this one should bother me. Didn't want someone out there that could panic and make things worse. Pulled rank to get out there. Got a nap time to do it.
  4. Wasn't necessary to mention my answers!!
  5. Keep dodging it Lowell..
  6. It's MINE and PAID FOR!!!!
  7. Tomorrow morning will be a big gut-check for me. First day of being a tobacco free Instituation. Word is convicts are going to take our place. Some idiot grabbed the spot where he will be facing about 400 to 600 convicts be theirself for a few minutes til we see how things are going to roll. Could have stayed in Control but couldn't let those young studs grab that spot. Reason this is here is this one of those time my pride or whatever it is has gotten me into a spot that could be interesting. I talk to "The Man" every day I work and have since I volunteered foir this spot. Young-uns are kind of ticked that I grabbed. Reason this is here is if you think of me from about 4:30 monday morning til about 7:30 send up a word for me. I know I didn't explain this very well but got to get in bed to be ready. Didn't know I was going to open my big mouth. Maybe I'll learn one of these days. Will let you know as soon as I get home tomorrow what happened. Only 600 of them. Wonder how many I can get before back-up gets there???
  8. NO PAROLE!!! Could be worse.. I think. CONGRATS!!!! Have a good one.
  9. Froggie's neighbors will give you a different version. And show you that Hemp is still a major crop!!!
  10. Surviving?? Not sure yet.. Spring is coming..... Supposed to snow monday.
  11. Hear all about someone out riding while we are at work slaving away??? Sure, would help keep our minds off our job at the least and almost like being there second hand..
  12. Thats a good one Carl. Wish we had 2nd gear in that much detail. I'll loan someone my engine lone enough to do one and take the pics.....
  13. Snow still here in spots. Don't fit does it. Yeah time for SPRING!!
  14. That one is sharp just not the fastest color. Good looking scoot Kurt. More Sea-Foam when you get it on the road and turn idle up to about 950 to 1150 and you will be surprized. If winter gets you down pull those Diaphragms and turn out lights and check them at night with flashlight to see if you have pinholes starting.
  15. Ride-On balances also. Don't need beads.
  16. Just dump a little water in the tank???? Now I know whats wrong, all these years I've been trying to get the water out of my gas..
  17. E-Bay has saved me a few times. What would we do without a computer now??
  18. Keep it around we need some practice!!
  19. Finally ordered my bleeders and messed up my order as usual. This guy is great to deal with. Responded in minutes and got me straight. Bleeders are on way. He is GREAT to deal with. kz10cubed@yahoo.com‏
  20. I don't know how you guys stand it....:rotfl::rotfl:
  21. She plants things now and puts a can around them til they get big enough not to run over. If I'm mowing and see a can go flying................
  22. Does he want a 1st Gen or 2nd?? Impressed by both of course. Good reading makes me want to look at a 2nd Gen again.. Just so I know how much better off I am............
  23. Got to have pics!!
  24. Not tooo hard!! Spring is coming we got some riding to do!!!
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