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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Rocket you wouldn't be looking for an excuse would you???
  2. So far on my "New" to me one I've got about 2 feet to 5 Gallon. Do I win a prize????
  3. Not Bad at all. But did you notice its a 2nd Gen?? Looks like you are ready!!Ride Safe!!!
  4. Red was the GREATEST!! Never got tired of him.
  5. What about our Venture Engines???
  6. DEFINE: NORMAL Yeah we are sumptin SPECIAL ain't we.
  7. Devcon Plastic Welder A two part mix at Wally-World.
  8. Hunting thru old stuff tonight and found this one. Don't know how I missed it. Work got in my way a lot last few months. I still have mixed feelings about riding after my incident. But only got to ride couple times last year. One good ride with 750 and one on "parts Bike" Just thinking back to those make me want to get busy on the Bike.Blasted work keeps getting in the way. Any Way thought this was great reading in middle of the night and I still worry about getting back on but know I'm going to.Maybe slow down a little but speed had nothing to do with my accident. Only way I could have missed was not being there.
  9. Keep this one going. Warden don't trust me on trips. Only got her lost couple of times. Uf you hook up GPS to work on bike how much trouble is it to switch back and forth to cage?
  10. I must be a better Mechanic than I though!!!!!
  11. I am related to Jack Whittaker a little(385 Mill. winner) He is my brother-in-Laws 1st cousin. Didn't do me any good. Didn't even try. I'll just buy tickets.
  12. deeeeeep!!
  13. Now I was going to be nice and not mention that......
  14. If I could go shopping right now it would be for something "BLUE" I did win 3 bucks on that Powerball ticket so they didn't get it all!! Had 3 numbers only needed 6.
  15. Craftsman has a socket for damaged bolts that works but I think you have to buy the set.
  16. Have the shifter and floorboards on the one I'm working on now. So far they will probally come off. Don't feel right got to spread legs too far when you are sitting.
  17. Never know what to expect but that is a good one. Think Squidly might have something there.
  18. 1967 bonny was my first "BIG" bike. Great old Scoot. Good luck with the Son-in-Law..
  19. 70 here tomorrow if I can get some sleep might get to work on Scoot a little...
  20. There is a White/Black one on E-Bay. Didn't care much for it but that White looks good.
  21. Yammer Dan


    Couldn't get on this morning when I got in at about 8:00 just got back home and here it is!!
  22. Look in that Air Box first.
  23. Yep, look at them little fingers. Makes you wonder how they fit you on there don't it / But they will. Enjoy it!!! CONGRATS!!
  24. Might not make #1 but he could write a 2nd verse.
  25. Don't know if I can wait that long....
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