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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Hey Lew what road you going up on??
  2. That is what I was hoping. I should be able to hook it sync port. Only place it could make difference is at idle I think. With throtle closed not much flow going thru there anyway. Flow does not start till you open throttle.
  3. 3/8 Drive rachet, thin walled 18mm socket and I use a spring U-joint. No problems at all but there are easier plugs to change.
  4. That's what I was saying Rocket. The set I got does Not have this tube. They must be for later than 83. Is there any way to use them? Can the vacum be hooked somewhere else on a 83? Is it the Boost Sensor that needs 0 vacum at idle? Am I back to trying the 83 set?
  5. My Super-Brace has plugs to cover the holes. The slots sound like a good idea. He could add those or they could be cut with a Dremal or something.
  6. Looks like I have a set of 84 or later carbs and trying to put them on aq 83. Can this be done?? 83 needs to read 0 vacum at idle so it needs to hook to carb and not to intake. Would there be enough pull if I tapped into Air Box?? Going to have to look at this a little more.
  7. Where is Denden! He should be able to answer this one.
  8. Got you Rocket!!!
  9. Sorry Dan got a little mixed up there thought Rocket had posted something usefull. If that is the Boost sensor all I have to do is make sure it has vacum? Not sure if any more differences in the carbs I'll have to look at them. Guy posted them as 83 but guess not.
  10. Is it the Boost sensor Rocket? As long as I give it vacum it should be OK? Could I tee it into The port where you Sync them???
  11. Dump the rest of that can in before you get gas and run most of it out before you get gas.
  12. I can take those first two but that third one......
  13. Is #2 I think. No pics, I got a camera finally just haven't learned to use it yet.. How did I manage to post this twice??
  14. If you hurry we can keep it here!!
  15. THAT'S IT!! And IT's BLUE!!
  16. Sure wish I had waited Craig I'd be riding a Blue one now, instead of looking at that junker in the drive!!
  17. Last fun I had was busting one of New Big Dodge Hemi's. Was the second time for that Frogman and Mamamo were around for the first one. That's been a while, I GOTTA GET BACK ON THE ROAD!!!
  18. Needed more of that 1st Gen in that pic to even out things. It would be easy to look at!!
  19. O K Carb experts. When did Yamaha move the vacum line from the #1 carb and where did they move it? I got a set from E-Bay claimed they were 83 and no nipple to hook up vacum line. With out a nipple are they useless ( couldn't resist) What else is different on them? They looked the same didn't really check that close when I got them.
  20. O K Carb guys when did Yamaha move the Ignition Vacum from the #1 carb I think it is and where did they move it to?? What else is different about thesse carbs. I got a set from E-Bay claimed they were 83 but no vacum line nipple on this one. Again without a nipple is it useless?? (couldn't resist) Useless for my 83 I mean..
  21. Buddy has it. I do the 50/50 thing anymore because it won't want to run on pure Sea-Foam. Hard to restart after sitting all night. Run some 50/50 in it let it sit overnight then dump the remainder in about 1/4 tank and run it thru.
  22. Might be a good idea if yours was running a little warm as some of them tend to do.
  23. We know all about that. You ride a 2nd Gen so you won't have to go E-Baying for parts!!
  24. Quitting WHAT??
  25. Tooo much work to keep track of it all!!!
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