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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Thought you had some NEW news. You getting beat by her is not new!! That looks like lunch..
  2. Rear tire mileage is in the right wrist. Don't ask me how I know that and I won't tell you about the Avon Venom I got 5600 miles out of on the rear and thread was showing BAD!!
  3. Hated to miss that one.
  4. Saw a new 2007 goiong on E-Bay..
  5. I got one in my front yard about 125' tall. Interesting when the wind is right...
  6. Got the title and key to the "blue Beast" back from Sentry Insurance this morning with a letter that they are not paying anything. Sent them everything they asked for giving up my bike to try and settle this thing. I guess they settled it. Sent complaint out to Insurance Commissioner. Probally won't do anything either. SENTRY INSURANCE #$&((**%#@@!!!
  7. Lot of shiney stuff going cheap on E-Bay!! Think I saw a set of Fork Covers!!
  8. Now if I can just find this place again...
  9. Watch out for those 1st Gens running past you!! GREAT Scoot you will love it.
  10. Hard to get that front wheel off the ground without clutch!!! I use it most of the time.
  11. What if it turns amber when you are too close to the intersection to avoid slamming on brakes? And getting nailed in the rear!!!
  12. Probally parked my bike under them...........
  13. I hate to but I'll agree with Redneck. You should be out of there before red. Other traffic should not be moving until after yours is red.
  14. Nice to havec GOOD News about a dealer!!
  15. Got fingers crossed for you randy.
  16. Like to be there to help you so I would know what to expect. Good luck with it!!
  17. Warden working on this thing and I'm lost!!! Maybe clean it is way to go but what will we loose??
  18. Looks like we can talk him thru anythingv but letting us grab it!!!!! GOOD LUCK and let us know how it is going. If I EVER get time I WILL get mine going. If I don't buy another just to ride this summer.
  19. Ok... I did not find any of those files in my system.Those files are not running in the processes and those keys are not in the registry. I also can not restore. I cannot go back any further than july 1st which was when the virus occured. And I know that sending me a link to windows one care will be no good I can not access anything in the microsoft dept. I have tried safe mode and still the icons are disappearing.
  20. I can't access any of those links. Pages cannot be displayed. Search files will not let me stay on long enough to do anything it disappears.
  21. Do your hands tingle after riding a while?? Good sign they need synced.
  22. I have a Dell diminsion 2400. I am running windows XP sp2. I have IE and Msn Explorers. I had a virus called anti virus xp 2008 to install itself on here, I uninstalled the program before I even knew it was a virus and the next day a virus called anti virus 2008 try to install itself. I was doing a search and 5 more tried to install. I stopped the downloads. My icons keeps disappearing every 5 or 6 seconds and reappears every 3 or 4 seconds,.The only thing I can get to stay up is IE and MSN. My Pc has been locked from recieving any updates and I cannot access any websites that has Anti Viruses downloads. If I try to access any anti Virus websites it fails to detect that I am connected. I had AVG anti virus installed and the updates to it were blocked out. If I try to do any searches it does not take me to the search that I type in or it takes me to the search pages but when I clicked on one of the links,urls another virus trys to install itself. This morning it was Vista 2008. Its probally the same virus just different names. I am unable to download anything at all. This is Pat (aka) warden. I suggested to Yammer that we redo windows xp and start all over with a clean Pc and get all the JUNK cleaned out from years past. But he insisted on me posting this so here it is. GO ahead tell him how right I am.
  23. I did that from pretty pics on E-Bay. Knew it didn't run. He told me months, from the looks of things quite a few years. I will get it but it has cost me a lot of riding time.
  24. Good you are getting it back. But that don't cover all you went thru. If it was just mistake I think they would have helped you straighten it out. They didn't!!
  25. What he said!!
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