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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Dang!!! Time flies. I always wanted ta make a trip back. Sure would like to have a fresh coconut. The ones in the store don't come close!!! They are falling off the trees bout now but climbing to get them is more fun!!
  2. Dang it I knew I shoulda got in this one was just lazy. I was sure he would go about 2PM today!!......:innocent-emoticon:
  3. I've paid the price several times for "overdoing" it. Just drop it back a gear and conserve a little fuel. It'll take care of itself. Prayers still going up. I've had almost the same as you describe and that time I broke the hardware in my leg was just plain stupid!! I knew better. Don't push it too hard you know your limits better than any one. I've always been one to do a little more than the docs advise but I know when to say when most of the time. Major cuttings (like yours) take a little more caution. So back off on the right hand and just enjoy the view for a few.... Chat with us tonight! Your fingers don't hurt do they???:mugshot:
  4. I got part ownership in a 93 S-10. My Mom's last vehicle. Not a bad little truck for what it is. Dang I had a thought when I started this post.... watch for it ran off somewhere!!!
  5. I cain't find my Toga!! "Sugar" is wearing a strange looking cover..... Tonights subject??? Did we ever have a subject???? How much Jail time I spent....????
  6. When I was on top of Crown Mountain in 93 there was a huge area on top with only one house. The Lady there invited me back after I let her touch off the dynamite we had to use to dig the hole for the pole we put up there!! She talked to us for hrs while we were getting pole in there!! I had a 200 ft shooting cord so there was no danger and she got so excited I thought she was gonna have a fit!!! Bout fell over when it went BOOM!! WE had coconuts fresh from the tree that day.
  7. Warden won't part with her huge cast iron skillet!! Claim it does the job better than any other!!:Avatars_Gee_George:
  8. Another Spring like day. Prayers Up!!!
  9. I know who I am...er I think I am... where did I put that ID??
  10. Coconut trees on top of Crown Mountain!!! Lady I talked to said if I returned she would sell me lot!! Blue Beards castle just down road!!
  11. I heard a bike go up the road!! Where you at Skid?? Prayers Up!!!
  12. I'd shoot for a 300 game then!!!:backinmyday:
  13. Hey SQUID?? Ya taking care of our Lady???
  14. When ya got that little bit of time that ya release the rope things kin get FUN FAST!! THen ya end up walking like I do.
  15. Er.... NOPE!!
  16. Earl to Storm Raven's left Al and wife Aussie Annie to his right. Is "Yammer" in that Pic??? Puckster& Tip on ground just to right of Annie's feet!! Cornfused yet??
  17. If I win Powerball I'm buying me a lot on top of Crown Mountain!! Next door to Megan Bay!! Try and find me there Fool!!! I don't think your machine has the range!!!
  18. Going just to Crash a couple of them "roadblocks" sounds interesting!! :7_6_3[1]:
  19. Stopped by but I was late. Remember I got a 2nd Gen now! But still got a couple !st Gens that can go.................................!!
  20. I remember the 1st time I stumbled out to the garage with all those busted ribs and thought I would pick "Silver" up off the sidestand!! Ended up on the floor and had to wait til the Warden came looking to get back up!! And the worse part?? Listening to her chew on me for the rest of the day!!Made me feel about 1 inch tall!! Be careful!!
  21. Nope!! That's my Buddy Bubba!!!
  22. Yeah Don't forget Bro when I went climbing around in Skid's garage and they had to replace all that hardware in my leg!! (You may not have been here for that one!) Not Fun!! Prayers Up!!!
  23. SOMEWHERE ELSE!! I know nothing about missing parts!!!
  24. Looks like that'll be as good as new!!
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