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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Perfect Burger and I can't get it. Burgers my drug of choice!!
  2. I think mine was that I couldn't avoid this one. I've been down plenty and could always look back and say"If I hadn't or If I had This time came from nowhere and didn't have room to do anything. Another thought. I hope the Warden skips this one. I'm not riding crazy honey, just maybe got me back.
  3. Don't 1200's already have same cams?
  4. I post just today about chasing Ghosts after a accident. I know I've whined about it several times on here but it was even worse than that. Every time I caught myself turning loose and riding a little bit I would tighten up again. Kept telling myself I wasn't quitting but the thought was there. Even avoided times I could have ridden this fall. And the thought was there in the back of my head. Maybe you don't want to. I rode to north Carolinia for the meet there and it wore me out instead of relaxing me like it used to. I have been tinkering with "UGLY" a little getting her right after the neglect from PV. Today I talked myself into taking her out to fill tank for winter to keep down chance of rust. As I said I have been tinkering a little and she was Purring. Filled tank and talked myself into doing a couple miles just to see how it was running. Temps around 40 and not dressed for it. Little chilly. Story is I was listening to that 1200 purr and suddenly realized I was riding pretty hot when a curve got a little tight. DID'T TIGHTEN UP!! Hit the next one a little harder. Found myself riding and laughing inside my helmet. QUIT?? Like He** I will. Oh "BROWN SUGAR"??? I Ain't hiding no more!!! Wanna Play?? You better be ready!!
  5. I'll agree "Tail of the Dragon" will be missed.
  6. Riding in West by God we don't seem to have that problem!!!
  7. My Retirement Plan!! Got enough shiney stuff to dress it!
  8. Get fixed and take time to think. You will think a lot. I never really thought I would quit but had some doubts. And I am still chasing ghosts. Never got to ride as much as I want this year but winter is really bugging me. I still don't relax and ride as I used to(riding like a old man). But there are times when I feel as I used to and these are enough to keep me going. COME ON SPRING!! I think it needs the tank filled up today!
  9. DRAGON at VOGEL Now that might be misunderstood!!
  10. Gee, Not just another pretty face are you. I think that says it pretty well!!
  11. Looked at it but don't need info on HARDLEY"S
  12. Dang Christmas again Did'nt we just do this!?!? Humbug!!!
  13. Another reason I really like the Snatch-off ones you can take them off and ride a Crotch Rocket!!! Different ride without them!!
  14. Bob has that one. You can change them but must change frame they mount on and bags and crash bars. i like the 83-85 because you can remove then so easy. Carry them inside if you need to. Just another reason 83-85's RULE!!!
  15. 1st Gens like that Rabbit. Just keep on keeping on!!!
  16. You want Pics of Micky D's Double Quarter??
  17. What Lew said. moderators do a GREAT job here. Hey Rick you ain't seen my stock of 1st Gen parts.. I think I got enough to last!! Won't be no 2nd Gen in my future. I can forsee the Day when I have the FASTEST VENTURE in this club!! (Only 1st Gen left)Just got to get some BLUE paint!!
  18. TURKEY DAY?? As I had posted the Warden and I decidedd to skip Turkey day this year and go out and eat. Have huge dinner every year and she cooks for about three days prior. Everything you can think of. Told kids this year Mom was taking year off and we were going out to eat. Picked out a nice place got up this morning took it easy. left about noon so she could shop a little got to place we had picked around 4. CLOSED!!! never thought or checked. Drove around a while, loy of eateries closed!!! Had our Turkey Day dinner at MICKY D's!! TURKEY DAY!!!
  19. I gom to work and miss everything!!! Gotta be a cure for that!! Was I in it ?? Did I cause it????
  20. We could pass Carl's wife around and get something done this winter when it is too cold to ride!!!!
  21. Tell her to get well quick but listen to what they tell her or she could mess it up! keep her down for a while. Rope might work!! Or cuffs and shackles..
  22. Got day off. Didn't get up til 8 and frost is heavy. Looks COLD out there.
  23. As others said a good clean well working system they aren't bad brakes.
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