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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. 60's here today and my Buick crapped a axle so bikes are still waiting for me. And of course everything on that axle went rough. Just getting it out and getting ready to put new in was rough. Now waiting on new one son is bringing.
  2. SMOKE?? That 06 burning oil already??
  3. :rotfl::rotfl:
  4. Sorry to hear that Buddy. Hope things get better for you. Good Luck with the sale.
  5. I got its twin Steve. Could use a windshield on it and a good cleaning. "Ugly" hasthe faring busted up pretty good, windsheild busted into about a dozen pieces, turn signal lens busted,radio surround busted. Not sure what else yet. I just got a new roll of Duct Tape. You will see me around this year!!!
  6. Those tents can be put up in the dark. Remember?? Now who would ever call off sick to go to a Bike Meet??
  7. Wasn't taken that way Jeff. My luck last few years just plain sucks!! Mine is a 82 XJ750 Maxium Steve. Only thing to break down at the Skid-In last year!! I'll get them on the road they ought to know by now I ain't gonna give up. And that Drop-Dead Beautiful 1st Gen?? I have a 83 with a new frame, a new tranny for it and a whole back room full of Bling!! when I retire........
  8. Bambi and gators. The gators that trucks leave behind seem extra bad around here and Bambi is EVERYWHERE!
  9. RIDE SAFE!!! Hope its a Great year for you!!:clap2:
  10. Son stopped by with help while I was at work. Picked up bikes and placed them back on center stands. Two of my Ventures had been sitting in the drive under covers when wind picked them up and stacked them on top of my 750 Maxium. Both of the Ventures had the rear wheel off at the time. Anyway he sat them up to surprise Dad. Before I got home "Ugly" took a nose dive off center stand for some reason into "Parts Bike" Yeah I got a surprise when I got home. Something keeps telling me the Warden says. :crying:
  11. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Wish I had thought of that one Randy!!
  12. And I thought you might be retiring to a 2nd Gen!! Not ready to slow down yet?? Can't slow down with a new one to keep up with. CONGRATS to you Both. Gonna name it Yammer??
  13. Must be a 2nd Gen!!
  14. OUTSTANDING!! Needs to be a way to make that last second last for a hour or two!!!
  15. Clutch out on my Saab. Not looking forward to that.
  16. You are off to a great start.
  17. Could be a different type of 2nd Gen???
  18. No Answer! Come on Skid.
  19. I've told that to a few people but maybe not as nicely as that was done.
  20. Yeah Don't know if we can let a 2nd Genner in our Garage Meets. Hey Wait a minute its HIS GARAGE!! This could be BAD!!! Tell me you wrote yourself a Ticket Skid old Buddy........
  21. I hope he wrote himself a speeding ticket instead of getting a 2nd Gen!!! What is this world coming too!!! I can feel it!! Its Me and you Froggie. I guess we can stop and wait on them.
  22. WOW!! And its BLUE!!! If I Could........
  23. I think I showed Pics on here of the Full-Face I went down in. Thats all I got to say!!!
  24. I use it in everything that runs!! Been trying to get the Warden to try it!!
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