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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I remember sitting waiting last year til after midnight for it to let up raining so I could go 25 miles home. Didn't work but had a GREAT evening. Mr Possum that played chicken with me on the way home didn't come out so well. I wasn't about to swerve to miss him on thse wet roads. This looks like it could be a GREAT weekend!! For those that are riding!!!
  2. Hey Gerald. At the Cross Lanes exit on 64 ( the way you go to Harbor Freight) there was a place that sold all kinds of trailers on the right as you got off the Interstate. I think they are still there. Have you checked them out?? If I get a cage to get down that way I'll stop and look.
  4. Its OK Squeeze we'll keep you just they way you are. If we can't laugh once in a while things would be pretty dull around here. Wouldn't they Randy??? It was Good!!!:whistling:
  5. Harbor Freight has a wheel Chock on sale for $29.99. Not a hinged one but I think I might grab one just in case....
  6. Gotta be a way.. How do you ride if you can't stop with bike leaning to the right?? Warden better not see this she might think I'm up to something..
  7. Yep, Better load your guns, with a daughter that looks that good and a motorcycle!!! You are going to be BUSY!!!!!
  8. Thanks Earl I could keep you busy for a while with all the parts I have tucked away. I would like to see someone that knows what they are doing with them clean a set of carbs. Maybe one of these days we could have a show & tell on it if someone had a single carb already out of the rack but then that would need a class on how to remove and put them back. And one on how to get ready to remove and then one on how to get them back in sync and one on ........ it just keeps on and on.
  9. A meet & Eat before the Meet & Eat??? Denney's is not bad. We have IHOP which has a Country Fried Steak & Eggs that ain't too bad at all. Can't hardly eat it all. And here I sit with NO TRANSPORTATION!!!:crying:
  10. Things that make you go... hmmmmm? Prune Juice is Great!!!!!
  11. It may be in the Wheel Barrow but I will be there!! Warden don't like pushing that thing!!!
  12. 6 ply Kendra little hard to get seated
  13. I'm not sure of other places to grab them E-Bay is probally best bet. There is a set on there right now for about 50 bucks. I've been watching a little but I'll let that set go not sure I want them anyway.
  14. Entire Bike?? What year and ails it? PICS??
  15. Sounds like a good deal. How much water could you cross with it when needed to haul something across there without water sweeping it around and damaging truck or load? Or could you hook a chain to keep it from doing that?
  16. Nice!!
  17. Maybe I could just leave mine there.....:rotfl:
  18. :sign yeah that: YEP WHAT LEW SAID. Wish I knew something about a computer.. Tired of sitting here doing nothing. 20 days of sitting eating Hydro's and counting. Not a Great Vacation. Wish I could help Don.
  19. I AIN'T SAYING NOTHING!! But I'll hold the door for you Ruffy!!:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  20. Hey!! Oh nevermind I don't live up that way and I can't ride!!:crying: You guys be carefull!!
  21. Good news John. The Hydro's do me better than anything.
  22. Check the numbers on that thing and see how old it was.
  23. Take advantage of the chance to sleep Bob. Glad it came out OK!!
  24. That'll Do It!!:rotfl: But one of these days she might not be quick enough!!
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