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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Need that trailer to hold it back and keep it from running over the 2nd Gens!!
  2. MSN is changing E-Mail til you can't get it starting Sept 1st. Wanting to charge you someway I guess. Gonna charge for all they can!!! Ours has been through our phone package for years. Hotmail not going to be free anymore.
  3. Good news Carl. Keep those sticks hany for long distance for a while leg will tire out quickly. I've been able to get a little bike time in finally. Fixing not riding. The warden has been playing gofer for me so I don't have to get up and down as much. WHAT A WOMAN!!! Maybe one of these days I can get her to help me throw this leg over that thing and.....
  4. Gasket on filter is a PIA.
  5. The "Blue Beast" ended up rusting out on me. Got lucky and grabbed a great one off E-Bay.
  6. Never seems to end.
  7. Just got home and was hoping for good news on James. This is a shock. Our thoughts and Prayers to his Family.
  8. NOT BAD!! If you do the overhead (and you should) make sure you sucure it enough. Don't want to be going down the road and bombarding the Scoot.
  9. Yeah thats a old one. He just plain ****** UP!! Look where you want to go!!
  10. Take about 30 seconds after you get it on centerstand.
  11. i had that thought. Tied it in against bar last night to make sure i had all air out. Added washers to springs, bled,replaced push rod and bushing. Streached spring a little on end of push rod. Thought getting in there and cleaning so plunger could return all the way. I'll work on something else for while and let it sit. Gotta do that exhaust chamber.
  12. Tylenol bad for you anyway!!!
  13. Having a hard time finding info on cleaning this thing. Remove the handle push rod and spring. What next??
  14. The one on the bars not the slave cylinder. I had a extra in my parts and took it out to put on my 85. It only had 2 wires in the wiring harness. When I started to pull the one from the 85 it had 4 wires. So back to plan one. I replaced the plunger and bushing but it still does not return out all the way when you release it after pulling into bar. I did bleed it out. Do I need to take the plunger out and clean in there or what? The master itself is working good just not returning as far as it should. It lacks quite a bit coming out as far as it should. A inchor little better. After you release it you can pull it out that much further.
  15. SB8125L for the 1st Gens. 2nd Gens don't need Brakes!! But they call for the same except for the front brake which is SB7100s
  16. That thing sure is BLUE!!! Feels GREAT don't it...
  17. Thats not good. We will keep him in our prayers.
  18. The ring ones you can snatch on E-Bay for 8 bucks 6 or 7 shipping of course. I can't find muffler ones.
  19. Sounds like a Smart Man!!!
  20. Set of Ape Hangers would make that a easy ride!!
  21. But who would MISS IT??? West Virginia suceded in 1864!!!
  22. If wedding is rained out???? Does that mean you don't have to keep her???
  23. Tell him we are waiting to hear from him Tom!! And turn that nurse loose before Alice catches him!!! :rotfl:
  24. With that V-Max Trike they couldn't catch me to run over me!!
  25. Thats a great looking old Scoot!! 78??
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