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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. That hurts my eyes???
  2. Yes we do. The Warden is running this one . Makes me feel like a idiot when it comes to computers. With her around I've never had to learn. I do know whee the switch to turn it on is!! Hopefully she will get it. It is labeled Reinstallation CD Miicrosoft Windows XP Home Edition Including Service Pack 1a
  3. Ok see if I can explain this. I am unable to log on as administrator to install microsoft programs due to protected password. My husbands Msn Explorer favorites of 12 years has disapeared. But I went to this site that said to do this...... To enable it, right-click the Command Prompt on the Start menu (it is likely listed under Accessories), choose Run as administrator, type net user administrator /active:yes, and press Enter. You should see a message stating that the command completed successfully. Type exit and press Enter again to close the Command Prompt window.... it Was success installed. Ok I was still unable to log in due to not using the right password which i never had. OK now I did this....To disable this administrator account, follow the steps above to return to the Command Prompt in administrator mode, type net user administrator /active:no, press Enter, type exit, and press Enter again. Now when I reboot it still tries to log in as adm which I cannot do it has an error message saying it can't log me on. I hit ok and it goes to the log in screen for all users I hit the all users and I log in. And I read this awile ago.... Once you disable the adm it can NOT be enabled again. Wish I had read that days ago.
  4. I have a hard time reading english sometimes. Now what ??
  5. Nope no bots on here. Thanks to everyone that tried to help
  6. I know this Bear.........
  7. Just think how excited you would be if you had bought a 1st Gen!!!
  8. Whats South that everyone wants to see anyway???
  9. You will be at the head of the class Mama. Or we will come and have a talk with them!!! YAMMER : Who is waiting with Boomer!!!
  10. Wonder what it would take to put that new V-Max engine in a 1st Gen???
  11. You took a vacation??? Where'd ya go???
  12. "Ugly" skipped about three times last week in the higher RPM's Only 23k and it is starting to go. Most of the time it winds out pretty good. Good thing I don't run it hard!! You had any 2nd gear woes?? Downshifting not usually one of them though.
  13. Glad you made it home. Was good to meet you and Marylin finally.
  14. Hey I got one of them. But mine ain't white!!
  15. Did an Avast check last night and no viruses.
  16. IE and Msn Explorer are two different browsers and my fav's was not on IE. They were on Msn Explorer.
  17. Won't give us restore point.
  18. Don't know what happened but MSN Explorer dumped all my favorites. All my bike sites are gone. Any way to go back and get these?? Won't let me log in as admnistrator. Says is Pass word protected and we don't have orginal password. I keep too much stuff in here need to start saving it to something. I'm lost without my favorites!! HELP!!
  19. Don't think its going to be 10 years......
  20. Really sound interesting but I think I'll wait to see how it does.
  21. I'll be looking for a bear with gloves!!
  22. Was that bear wearing gloves???
  23. Good to hear from you Jeff. I took "Ugly" out for over 1200 miles last week. Didn't that help you?? Couple of bikes wanted to see if a scoot that old would still run.... They are quite sure now. Then there is the story of the bear that took my gloves. Someone said his name was "Yogi" I'm still watching for him. Left his mark on "Ugly's" seat. Hurry up and get home so we can go riding!!
  24. I think you are using right oil or grease. Maybe someone else has other ideas but have you looked at the motorkote?
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