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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. The Pri is Prime position. Fuel flows weather engine is running or not. Use it when first starting after being out of fuel. Start engine then turn to ON position. Thats what it says in the book for my 1982 750 Maxium.
  2. HEY!! I just got out of Jail!!!
  3. Something is wrong somewhere. Has it been run hot? In a Parade or something like that? Just sitting and running a lot?
  4. Gators are pickey?? Want full coarse meal not snacks!!!
  5. Who you talking bout Squeeze???
  6. Coming in second!!!
  7. Not used to.
  8. I ride a 1st Gen.
  9. You are counting!!
  10. Depends on what.
  11. Honorable Mention?
  12. I don't have a clue. This one will be interesting to watch.
  13. I thought the rules required Pics???
  14. I'm sorry Don.
  15. 77 to 75 to 20??
  16. I don't know for sure but I think they give us a discount??? Don??
  17. Only enough gone to make a couple of good pies!!
  18. 1st Gen just fits me. I'm 6ft tall with short legs for a 6 footer. I have all kinds of room. Now if I could just figure out how to swing that 86 my stable would be FULL!!
  19. Who are all these people you talk of??? I have papers to prove I am Sane!! Not too sure about that doctor....
  20. I think I'll go for a ride. Got nothing but time!!! But I worked for a few years to get that in a job for about 20 that most people won't touch.Worked over 45 yrs!! And I'm only 39!!! I'll just shut up and go RIDE!!!
  21. I think it was Alstate Batteries that used to include the sensor with their batteries. Hey Skid who was it? But when it comes time to replace it a Glass_Mat may be the way to go. Battery questions almost as bad as oil questions!!
  22. GREAT ONE!!!! Makes me remember. Our military is special the way we knit togather when needed. I think this is what makes us almost unbeatable. Been on the loosing end of very few Fire Fights. We are a force to be reckoned with!!! And this includes our brothers to the north. They use those guys for stories to scare the little (and big) kids!!
  23. When I ride with Skid and Leslie is along I get in the upper 40's. Any other time it is a good bit lower... One of those things I just can't understand!!!
  24. 1. Lil'Red 82 750 Maxium 20,000 miles. My play toy!! 2. Blue Beast 84 Std. 98,700 miles Totaled so they say. 3. Parts Bike 83 Std. 67,000 miles Broken frame. Thing was running sweet. 4. Black Beauty 83 Std. 65,000 miles Waiting for me to retire. And I did this month!!! 5. Shady Lady 83 Std. 19,000 miles Waiting on me. 6. "UGLY" 85 Royale 25,000 miles. My #1 LADY Getting stronger every day. Keeping me from the others!!
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