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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. You mean this ain't a Gang?? Must be a Gaggle.....
  2. Hard to deal with that Downtime Taz. Read Find a inside hobby. Good luck with that one.. Sleep a lot. Then you can't sleep at night!! TV Not a thing on the blasted thing worth watching. This Site Is a Real Life Saver!!!! Visit Often!!! Good luck and let us know how it is going. I had a interesting talk with insurance people today. ( See how nice I am) Wonder if they know I have 14 guns???? Keep on keeping on Buddy DON'T RUSH IT AND LISTEN TO THE DOCTORS!!!
  3. Yammer Dan


    Wonder if he started the "Sagging" thing???
  4. They would be looking for Train and run over the Bike!!!
  5. Yammer Dan


    5 pages and I still don't know WHY???
  6. Thats a Great patch Bummer. The kids today just don't seem to understand. My son after his trip overseas told me Dad now I understand what you were trying to tell me. Do you have to experience a little to get it??? Freedom ain't FREE.
  7. Yammer Dan


    I got snow. WHY???
  8. You might not be the only one that knew that!!! E-Bay huh? I visit there once in a while.
  9. Prayers sent.
  10. We get enough Ventureriders over there this thing will be over!!!
  11. Yeah, They let you think that once in a while.... Son-in-laws still talk about that old man meeting them at door.
  12. Yammer Dan


    WORK?? This is PG site!! Some of us have evolved beyond that!!!
  13. Sounds familiar. My small bone never did grow back togather. Large one has steel rod to support it. Now foot is a crazy mess. if i could chop off right leg at knee I think I could do better. Good luck with yours and watch those pain meds. Hydocodone seems to be best for me but they are being abused so much by Druggies they are getting hard to get for those that need them. I had 4 surguries on mine before they gave up.
  14. NICE!!
  15. Yammer Dan


    If you don't know better than that one you Will Learn!!!
  16. I'm impressed. It got the job done!! And that is what counts!!
  17. Wanted To make sure he wasn't going to be Home!! Be carefull out there.
  18. Yammer Dan


    :snow2: ITs WHITE Outside!!!!:crying::snow2::snow2::snow2: :snow2:
  19. Ground covered here this morning. Was planning on going to Estate Auction. Roads are getting covered and all they got there are Hondas and Hardleys. 1975 Honda 750 with full Faring bags& trunk. Might be interesting. Two 750's in parts. Guns Knives a little of everything. Think I'll go back to bed still white crap coming down!!
  20. :crying::crying::crying: I ain't talking!!!
  21. Yammer Dan


    :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: WHERE??
  22. ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST!!!:rotfl: Good luck with new ride. If I was able to buy a new one now I would have to look very hard at them.
  23. Yammer Dan


    December has started!!!! HOW???
  24. Fit right in did you.....
  25. SEA-FOAM!!! And if you spray Sea-Foam on snow it will disappear!!!
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