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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. My Daughter bought me a Pink one I wear pretty often!! But I'm colorblind.
  2. I have my winter "To Do" list for my scoot complete Brad. How is yours????:rotfl::rotfl:
  3. This could have been any one of us with a Idiot pulling in front of us at the right time.
  4. Yammer Dan


  5. PG rules we can't tell you here what to say to then. Just promise them a visit from more of us if they don't make things right!! $#^^&$ Water Dish is Froze!!!
  6. Yammer Dan


    :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2: WHY???
  7. Weren't me. I do have my eye on one more but can't swing it and it will probally be gone before I can. I get my building finished this spring and I'll put some parts togather. I even got a few Famous Blue ones.
  8. WATER??? Yep officer its just water.....
  9. ^&^&*(^^%$$%$SNOW!!
  10. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that:
  11. I'm just going to sit in the corner and be quiet!!
  12. Good luck with it Lew. You are just a number to Insurance dogs!! They don't want to give up our money!!
  13. All of the above???
  14. Took the full 5 second hit with 50,000 volts to be qualified with the Tazer. ONCE!!!! Got hit with it a total of 6 times during training. But I was the 1st person shot with it at my workplace that DID NOT SCREAM!!! Went to my knees and never went completly down. I think maybe from all the years af grabbing plug wires when you shouldn't and getting knocked on your keister!!!
  15. Congrats Buddy. Watching those things will make you feel strange. Feel like your chest is going to burst and they put things in the air at these graduations that will burn your eyes!!:rotfl: Tell him THANKS for us.
  16. I could have rode to work today but the Warden objects to the bike in the house!!
  17. Before my first accident in 06 I was in the weight room every day. Had a 32 in waist and a 44 in chest. Weight was about 198. Hard to even remember what it ws like. Haven't touched a weight for a while. Maybe get started. Not going to say that I am thats a sure sign you're going to fail. I plan to be a little different by Spring and then hitting it hard.
  18. :sign yeah that: I thought it Randy but being the Nice guy that I am I didn't say it!!!:rotfl:
  19. Prayers sent. Make sure she listens to the docs. I know she won't but keep after her. Give it time to heal.
  20. :sign yeah that:Bout right!!!
  21. OK I was born in Aug. of the last year of the 1st half of the last century.
  22. Didn't know you could put a 1st Gen on a Hardly sled!!
  23. I just ride a 1st Gen!! And listen to all the talk about how comfy those 2nd Gens are!!!
  24. Will this work? This is one of me and "UGLY" [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39867]http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=39867[/ame][/
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