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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Yammer Dan


    13 more??
  2. Yammer Dan


    Now we got 31 too many!!WHY?? Guess it just goes on and on and on and on.... WHY???
  3. Hope they get it right Tom. Can't do with them and can't do without them. The can't do without them is the part I KNOW!!
  4. Have you taken it out yet?? My 85 I'm pretty sure takes the 9003. It fits in the rear of the glass housing that is in there.
  5. Yeah all that.!!And ask the Hardley if he wants you to wait on him at the next light....
  6. Several ways they can go togather and work. And some that they won't work at all. I had done a bunch of them before I put one back in and it wouldn't work. Wasn't my bike and I was stumped. Had to call Squidley. Just watch the notches when you take out and put them back same place.
  7. Took Laptop with her I thought. HEY ANNIE??? Where are you???
  8. Made me think of mine Boo. My first "big" bike was a 67 Bonnie 650. Great old bike. Girls liked it. Wiring was crappy but when it went it did good.And with the wiring you could make it quit when you wanted to.
  9. Yammer Dan


    11,984 People want to know WHY???
  10. Heard a lot about it this time and we can't say it enough. HATS OFF TO OUR CANADIAN FRIENDS FOR HOSTING THE GAMES!!! A really class act. More Gold than Mt T can wear!!! Also heard they had a Hockey Team up there!! Just wanted to say THANKS!!! Most of North America is pretty solid if we could just do something about South of our border...
  11. Yammer Dan


  12. With all that snow everybody would be right at home!!
  13. Congrats!! Seem like some nice people.
  14. With Cindy we can understand why you would want to hide!!! Now i'm gonna hide....:snow2:
  15. Yammer Dan


    why?? why???? why?????
  16. Yammer Dan


    WHY???? I'm tired....
  17. Trail Runs can be interesting for a while but when you find a keeper you better grab it quick!!
  18. Get a brush and some paint.....
  19. Does that mean its a Large size???
  20. Glad you weren't hurt any worse. Good luck with that Imsurance.
  21. Yammer Dan


    Not yet. When we understand WHY the WHY thread has been here Then we will know WHY it was necessary to ask WHY??
  22. If you leave the Hollow side down it won't fill up with rain!!!
  23. Dollar Tree "Power House" spray wax. A buck a bottle, just spray and wipe. It is as good as the costly stuff.
  24. :clap2::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: Any excuse for a ride huh Lew??
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