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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Balance it? Two cinder blocks set on end with grove end up. Place wheel between then with axle in it reasting on blocks. Spin wheel slowly. Do this several times. If it stops in same spot all the time it is out of balance. Place small weight at top of tire. Spin again. If it stops in same place you need bigger weight. Trick is to get it where it doesn't stop in same place but stops in different place each time you spin it without using a ton of weights. Less weight the better. You have to take a little time with it.
  2. Road King- Best looking Best sounding bike on the road. When they start giving me the smiles per miles that my 1st Gen does I'll be back on one in a minute.
  3. I think somebody stole my scoot!!! That can't be "UGLY" It just started raining.. I could uncover "Brown Sugar" and throw some soap on her.
  4. And a 1st Gen will still take it!!!
  5. Glad you weren't hurt!!
  6. I have the mecury guages. Work as good as the carb-Tune but not as easy to handle. Carb sync can be done in 20 min.
  7. Should work. Work easy if you have a board across the rim on one side so it is just pulling on one side at a time.Put clamp on board and tire. Understand??
  8. Should be OK. Have rode in some downpours and left it out in the rain a few times.
  9. :sign yeah that: Don't remember what mine is but did'nt pay a bunch. I can't see a Shoei being that much better. Mine seems to be as good and was around 100 bucks
  10. Or TRY to forget!!!
  11. I think I have a set tucked away somewhere. You have forward brake also?
  12. I do hesitate a little at getting in these carbs. This thing has always( as long as I've known it) ran great and gets mpg's in the high 40s sometimes 50s. It still will jerk you off the seat at WOT just won't idle worth crap and takes forever to warm up. The plugs are still in the carbs.
  13. I am NOT MOVING TO Texas!!! Good luck and have a safe trip!!!
  14. I can see the animal rights people getting all over that one!!! Abusing poor little bugs with that big thing!!:rotfl:
  15. Thought so. Thanks Carl.
  16. Modular only way to go if you like your head. Glasses no problem and you have the ease of a 3/4 taking it off and on. There are a lot of different ones with different types of sheilds. I think net time I want the duel sheilds sun and clear. I like knowing my noggin is pretty well protected. I've gotten used to it!!!
  17. Are the headsets on a 1st Gen and a 2nd Gen Interchangable??? I know nothing about them. Was watching ones off a 2002 venture on E-Bay. Spent so much on bikes lately the warden is asking where hers is and I'm still working on garage. But I need to be able to talk to Skid (and others) when we are riding if parts fall off or something:whistling:
  18. And I need a way to put a 83 on a 86.
  19. Now look what Squidley started!!!
  20. NICE!! The info you can recieve here would make the 12 bucks the best deal you ever made!!! And we can be fun sometimes. Ask questions and we got answers!! Even some right ones!
  21. Yep!!! Glad you got them fixed.
  22. I had to go back and update lust or is that list? No I think its lust......
  23. You could go that way Grasshopper.. Get in a little more riding time.
  24. :rotfl: Busy??? Thought I'd seen something like that before.....
  25. Working on it!! Would have had it but Warden decided we should double it in size!!!!
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