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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Have a GREAT trip!!:clap2:
  2. Offered to help Frogman get his bike going. Went to his place this morning and watched Mamamo and frogman clean 89 and get it fired up. Got 84 started. Went for RIDE!!! Had to make sure 89 was running right. This work stuff is Easy!! A GOOD Day!!!
  3. Yep those cruisers have a hard time going that SLOW!!!!
  4. Seems like I remember my Uncle telling me 100 miles with running it like you stole it. Always done that. He claimed baby it and the rings wouldn't seat. Would let rebuilt ones start and idle few times then just drive them as you always would but make sure you kicked them at wide open throttle a few times. This seemed to work.
  5. I'll let you know Earl. I'm going to try and snug them down. I know I'm wasting my time but got to try.
  6. R I P Our prayers will be with him.
  7. Mine has one. I try to ignore it!!
  8. "Brown Sugar" has decided to start leaking pretty bad on valve covers. mostly rear one. I'm going to try snugging them down but that can cause them to get worse. I know they have a shoulder on these bolt so easy does it. Question is which 2nd gen gasket is the easy to install one? Any of them? Or certain year.
  9. Good Luck. Hope it runs like a New 1st Gen!!
  10. And its a Blue one!!!
  11. Dennis kirk still matching anybodys prices on tires? Wilson has E-lll for $109.00 without a coupon.
  12. Buy a 1st Gen!!!:rotfl:
  13. Gonna be in as good shape as she was before you got her:whistling: Good luck with it.
  14. Come on Cindy!! Gotta be a answer for that one!!:rotfl:
  15. Glad you missed it. Seems like they are all out to get us!!
  16. Saw that. Think it will be out of reach for me!!!
  17. It don't hurt for long!! After being Taser quailfied its nothing!!:rotfl:
  18. Got fingers crossed for ya!!!
  19. I could with "Ugly". Haven't really paid that much attention with "New" one. And I might be wrong on settings. That is what I had "New" one set at. I think on "Ugly" it was 25lb rear 8 lb front with no progressives. Getting bikes confused.
  20. Annie I read this and it started me thinking and I forgot to post!! GREAT NEWS!! Don't get carried away now and TAKE IT EASY!!! Now we Don't want to hear of any trips to get broken hardware replaced!!! I don't know who could be dumb enough to do anything like that!!! GOOD LUCK with it girl. Its about time you had some!!
  21. Great Pics !!! Can I bring "Ugly' up next.... Keep us updated on this one.
  22. I've found keeping the air in rear low helps me at low speeds. I run about 30 lb and can flatfoot the Beast. I only have a 30" inseam.
  23. I set the shock at 1 The air in front at only 8 and air in rear at 30. I ride mostly 1 up at about 230 lbs. Great ride but mine has Progressives in front. Wish I lived closer to you. Sounds like you need carbs synced. I'm not trying to talk you into keeping something you are not happy with but we can help.
  24. Every time I look at a thread lately seems somebody is going to texas???
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