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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. If you are overheating and locking up you have too much fluid in the rear cylinder. Takle a 8mm wrench with you and a few paper towels. When it starts getting hot and locking up crack bleeder holding paper towel to catch fluid. Do this a few times and you will have it. Or do it the easy way and just bleed it down some before you take off but you have to learn about how much fluid should be in the thing. Down about 1/2 inch from top.
  2. I have not had trouble locking them up. Depends on how much Pucker Factor you got going. The more you get used to them of course the better they work. Might need bled out and you can do braided steel lines which are supposed to be great. I tend to worry a little more about going thann stopping. But stopping now and then is nice.....
  3. Thought you would like that one.
  4. Can't have any fun if you don't take something apart. Now putting it back togather.....
  5. Does battery have one on it?
  6. TRAILER!!! I don't even want to tell Skid I took "Brown Sugar" across that creek. Might upset Leslie.
  7. Pull petcock and check. One that I did I had three in line filters on. And it ran good for a while. Filter closest to tank started getting heavy and discolored a little. Not much but a little. That real fine stuff is hard to see but will screw up a carb quickly. And the tank on this one looked good when you looked into the neck. Finally rusted out in the bottom next to petcock. Sea-Foam will not mess with the seals. That is one reason it is so Great. You can use it over and over on a stubborn carb and it won't hurt anything but the crud. Do a strong Sea-Foam soak.
  8. "UGLY" is not that far behind "Brown Sugar" I can only take one apart at a time. "Ugly" is almost as nice a bike as "Brown Sugar" just don't have all the goodies. It is a Royale without Intercom or CB. I got a new J&M Elite Headset for "Brown Sugar" so now I can hear Grindo and Skid when they want to know" Where did he go???"
  9. Well he was on here must have run???
  10. :sign yeah that: From all of us here Lew.
  11. Dropped the insurance on Lil'Red. Going to miss it but Too many Bikes.
  12. You know what I'm going to say.. Are you ready??? SEA-FOAM IT!! And rinse tank good. Then check to see if you are going to have to Kreem it.
  13. Saw a Kaw today. A 1969 120 with chrome fenders and red and white I think. Been in basement for years. Lot of surface rust on chrome but think it would clean. Tank is crap but it is getting enough fuel thru it to fire. Tries but won't run. Be a good project. What is it worth???
  14. Now that just ain't right.... This place is going to the birds!!!! er, to the Wings!!
  15. A man and his wife, moved back home to West Virginia , from Ohio . The husband had a wooden leg, and to insure it back in Ohio cost them $2000. Per year! When they arrived in West Virginia , they went to an insurance agency to see how much it would cost to insure his wooden leg. The agent looked it up on the computer and said: '$39.' The husband was shocked and asked why it was so cheap here in West Virginia to insure it because it cost him $2000 in Ohio ! The insurance agent turned his computer screen to the couple and said, 'Well, here it is on the screen, it says: Any wooden structure, with a sprinkler system above it, is $39... You just have to know how to describe it!' (Those HILLBILLIES know how "to git 'ER done"; don't they?) Thought you might like that one..:rotfl:
  16. Amazing is right!! She puts up with you!!!
  17. Prayers sent. Glad she had the gear on.
  18. normal????
  19. Tenn not far away. Was thinking about that one. Got "Brown Sugar" all torn apart and been under the weather. Last few years bout done me I think.
  20. I thought the idea was to come home and rest for a while.......
  21. Should be there. I got a spot by the pond.
  22. How did I miss this?? Glad you weren't hurt any worse Joe. I wear the fullfaced helmet and nothing else. Try to keep as much gear on as possible. I've still got leather but have been looking at some of the textile stuff. Hope you heal quick. Ribs are nasty. Expect about 10 weeks.
  23. Gasket material may be best op. But I'm looking. A good thin washer would be nice. Lowes had rubber ones but a buck apiece. I have new set of gaskets just thinking of other options.
  24. Enjoy!! See ya next year!!
  25. Never know when they are going to come up with something you ain't got:confused24:
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