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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I told the Warden about this one. We pick up bottles or cans out of our yard almost every day.
  2. Oh.. Good one anyway Rob!!! But we all knew that.
  3. Where is the Food???
  4. I'm real good with a 50,000 volt Tazer! Does that count???
  5. :sign yeah that: I have a good 1200 without the goodies. And a 1300 with all the goodies. Newer in all cases is not better.
  6. Hope my Idiot neighbors don't read that!!
  7. That will do it!! Don't know how many will believe it....
  8. I have no idea what you are talking about!!! I was in Jail!!! That one don't work too good anymore since I got out of Prison!!
  9. I'm going back to my corner!!! I Have NOTHING to do with this MESS!!
  10. So why are you asking us???:rotfl::rotfl: The Do rags do it for me but I have to watch these when I'm riding. The knot in the way I tie them can press right on the back of my head and give me a unbelievable headache. Don't let her read this one:whistling:
  11. Yeah I been hiding under the bed! I'll tell this story now. I don't think they are coming to get me. I had a "lady" pull into the road in front of me early this spring from a side road. She stopped when she saw me instead of going on and grabbing everything I could I got stopped about a foot from the side of her car. She pulled the cell phone a inch or so away from her ear and started to yell at me that I should watch where I was going. I was on US Highway and she pulled in from side road. Threw kick down on bike jumped off took couple steps to side of her car while her jaw hung open. Snatched phone from her hand dropped it to pavement and stomped it. Left her sputtering jumped on bike and went home. Waited for days for them to send Skid after me. Don't have any idea how I got away with that but.... AND DON"T DO THAT!!!!
  12. I've been down in good ones and bad ones. I don't think the high dollar ones are worth that much more. Being DOT or Snell approved is important. I thing fit is more important than anything besides WEARING IT!!! Flip or Full Faced is the only way to go for me.
  13. Thanks Monty. Repair or replace?? I'd repair, Warden wants replaced. Wonder which way I'll go.....
  14. Bags and a trunk with that 1800 engine??? Ready to Goooooooo........
  15. Some of us do something once in a while. Not often but...
  16. Whats a Limp???
  17. What type of system do I ask for. I haven't messed with them for about40 yrs. Changes are unbelievable. Do I want a Heat Pump? And is that the A/C unit and Furnace combined?? I can fix the old one for about 400 bucks. It is a 12 yr old Nordyne?? Furnace part looks like new. One of the Warden's complaints is it kicks on so hard. I already have a new Thermostat that I'm told will stop that?? Haven't installed yet. Is it worth upkeeping. Sorry to bug every body with non bike stuff. I'm having a great spring. If it hasn't gone wrong it will next week. I'm lost on this thing. Too many ways to go. Maybe I should have called the man.
  18. One thing the Warden complains about is the noise. Having it outside would be a lot better. Going to have to do some looking.
  19. I can give you some comp with that if I ever figure out what went wrong with her.
  20. I didn't take the Pics Randy But I sure Heard about It!!!
  21. She saw the 6000 figure and thinks maybe I can fix it for the 400!! How much does the new one save? Is this a good investment? Wouldn't have to worry about it for a while?
  22. Would I need one this big? About what is total cost of one this size? TVA don't come up this far north.
  23. If I swap complete system how much of the Duct work changes?
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