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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Or a 1st Gen!!!
  2. When I taught Lil'Yammer on that 750 it wasn't long before he pulled it up beside the "Blue Beast" and said "I think I can":whistling: But I also taught him about right place right time!!! Ride Safe!!
  3. Sounds like a good plan but not sure which day I will make.
  4. I ain't doing nothing and know a sure cure for that!!!
  5. Sheech!! I hope I don't get old enough to need a 2nd Gen!!!!
  6. I see BLUE better than anything. Red is very hard for me to see sometimes. Put a red ribbon in a field of green grass and I'll hunt for it all day. It is what I call close colors that get me. Purple is a shade of blue to me. Red covers a lot of Pinks, Maroons, Burgandys. Yellow and some greens get mixed up and are hard for me. Browns are hard. It is a mess. Back when I took drivers test it was a bar that one side was green and one side was red. I had someone tell me ahead of time. When I took color test to go to work for the State the I knew the nurse and she helped me. But I do Like BLUE!!
  7. Well Deserved Break!!' I gotta loose a few pounds anyway!!
  8. I have seen them treated both ways and there is just something wrong with some Pits. Son had one that was big baby and no dog ever treated better til the day it turned. Had it turned on a kid the kid would have been dead.
  9. We paid around 360 but we got the Wii Fit and couple of games with two extra controlers.
  10. Well Thanks.... I think!! I have leared so much just from this site I can almost call myself a.... naw I can't fix the one I have apart now!!
  11. Sounds like my trip to the Virgin Islands after Hugo visited. Told people I was going there to work and got "Yeah Right!!"
  12. I'm still digging on mine but I think this is where I'm going to end up. I've found a few things and probally going to find some more!! What do you guys with New bikes do with all your spare time???:bang head: Would the choke plungers not seating all the way be a big thing Jason?? I can change parts pretty well but stay away from carbs when I can.
  13. After I ran off screaming looking for my bike I would have.. no maybe I would have..,. no I
  14. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that: And I end up with parts scattered everywhere!!
  15. GREAT NEWS ANNIE!! I know how much you want to ride but PLEASE be carefull.
  16. That would be a good one and 1st and 2nd Genners can learn. "Brown Sugar" has 66k and I'm not sure if they have ever been checked.
  17. Time to take her to the Garage!!!
  18. Open the door sit the bike outside and watch the fun. Might want to let it cool down first!! When Lil'Yammer was still crawling this would drive him into overdrive!! And could he climb!!
  19. I have No Idea what you are talking about!!! I don't know if it is possible to hide from some things.....
  20. Got to be Food???
  21. Crawdads!!! I'll get it !!
  22. Frog Legs!!!
  23. What kind of Hardley is that???
  24. Only chance 1st Gen will get to see the rear of it!!
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