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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Antiques??? I remember a few of those!!
  2. And that came from the Insurance man!!!!!:rotfl: Couldn't pass that one up Slick.
  3. I think I'm behind on the number of times I've ridden it and the number of times I've parked it!!
  4. As much time as I spend logged on this thing!!
  5. All good advice here. With the fuel we are forced to use now the 1st thing I jump to is dirty carbs.
  6. My 750 Maxim is faster than my Venture on low end. Stoplight to stoplight that little 750 kicks A** but after that it is no contest. A 900 would probally outrun yours on low end but kicking it down to 3rd it should GO!! Have you been able to Sea-Foam it? If money is tight Wally World has Berry Man's Chem Tech for about three bucks. Same size can as Sea-Foam. Red,Blue & white I think. Sea-Foam is pricing themselfs out of the market at about 8-9 bucks a can now but it is great stuff. I buy it by the gallon. It doesn't sound like you are getting all that is there. Berry Man's calls for 1 oz per gallon. I would dump whole can in tank. Others will comment on this.
  7. Stole this from another thread but thought George might understand it!! An Biker who had a little too much to drink is driving home from the city one night and, Of course, his bike is weaving violently all over the road. A cop pulls him over. ” So,” says the cop to the biker, where have ya been?” “Why, I’ve been to the bar of course,” slurs the drunk. “Well,” says the cop, “it looks like you’ve had quite a few to drink this evening.” ” I did all right,” the drunk says with a smile. “Did you know,” says the cop, standing straight and folding his arms across his chest, “that a few intersections back, your wife fell off the back or your bike?” “Oh, thank heavens,” sighs the drunk. “For a minute there, I thought I’d gone deaf.”
  8. Look a little like Dad don't they. Poor kids. Maybe they will outgrow it.
  9. Try dealing with SS for a while. I think they have a thing going with the banks!!
  10. Glad you are doing OK. Warden went thru that couple months ago. Lot of pain all the symptoms of gall bladder but they said no. Still don't know why and she still has bladder??
  11. Yep!! I'm a little behind on a few. $*&%#**+* S-10's If my Stable wasn't full.....
  12. All good advice. Most important is flooring is same thickness where it will be walked on. And no unsupported joints in the flooring.
  13. I have learned to Run and Hide before round two!!!
  14. Thats a steal at a Stealers. Must have took them 20 Min!!
  15. Anybody know what a you'in is?? Only place I've come across them is North of the Mason Dixon. Is there a open season on You'ins and how do you cook one of them thar critters??
  16. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-XVZ1200-1985-YAMAHA-XVZ1200-VENTURE-ROYALE-XVZ-1200-TOURING-/180525166349?cmd=ViewItem&pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item2a08236f0d Project?? 1200's getting hard to come by.
  17. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Great Lady but.......
  18. Not related to Bobbie are you??
  19. And then I could kick....... No last time I tried that it didn't work so well!!!
  20. "And after I got done the Bull was up to here!!"
  21. Listen to the Docs!! I didn't. Broke their hardware. Cost me another operation!!!
  22. Told the Warden today I would do one of her meals and she could sit and give directions!! Steak & Gravy Fresh Bread Corn on the cob Baked Beans Mashed Potatoes (real not instant) Stuffing Do the 10 miles required between Fridge, sink, stove & table and you are too damn tired to eat so you got to loose weight!!! I hope she don't want Breakfast......
  23. My son saw that pic and the first thing he wanted to know about was what kind of Meet & Eat was this and what were those two guys over my left shoulder holding hands for????
  24. Not one you started. This one has been going on for a few years. Most of us would love to see FI Yamahas. If there was a setup that didn't break the bank I could throw on my 1st Gen I would be in line!!!
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