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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Wish I could help. Chasing druggies.
  2. Bout time ta finish trim on garage. Where is that ladder? Prayers Up!!!
  3. I Ain't Looking!!!
  4. Be warned. Them Yankees a Crazy up there!!!
  5. Learned on 3 on a Tree. Then my 1st Hot Rod 59 Flymouth with 318 and I found a 4 speed for it. 4 in the Floor!!! High Tech back then!!!
  6. About 1976 I got caught in a sudden Hailstorm. Left little bruises all over me as I was riding (close tp home) with no shirt. Just a pair of shorts. No excuse just young & Stupid!!! At least I've got older!!!
  7. Calling for Thunder Boomers. Good time to hide in garage. Prayer Up!!!
  8. The Old Turtle Wax Chrome Cleaner is hard to beat and don't break the bank.
  9. Sleep? What's that? Prayers Up!!!
  10. Leg making things fun. Prayers Up!!!
  11. I'll add a few for our Great country today. Prayers Up!!!
  12. THANKS To All That Made This Possible!!!:usa::usa::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag::checkeredflag:
  13. Its not always necessary to attend Sturgis to see some great. Yeah there was this young Lady last week...........
  14. Sunshine. Grass needs cut. Prayers Up!!!
  15. The B12 is a little harsher than the Sea Foam. I use it if having problems and am going to be running it thru soon. I don't like to leave it sit in system. But if you are having bad carb problems a can of B12 in a 1/2 tank or so and run Crap ( Crap will go out tailpipe!) out of it will help!!!
  16. My name ain't Most Chuck......But:innocent-emoticon:
  17. No Sleep and off to VA Doc on a Sunday!! Prayers Up!!!
  18. Leg says No Sleep Tonight!! Prayers Up!!!
  19. I have to drag them across railroad tracks to get to the river.
  20. If I ever git my head where it belongs and not up my a** Brown Sugar could be on the Prowl again and taking on anything that feels Froggy!!! Take your best shot boys!!!! Or Maybe "Ugly". Or "Silver" Or something I don't even know yet... :backinmyday:I got a few parts...
  21. They might consider that Cast Iron "Cruel & Unusual!!" Don't ask me how I know!!!!
  22. Just my opinion which I guess ain't worth the entire 2 cent but I would hold out for a original one or go Ignitech. I loaned my best 83 out in Ashville to Hydroyer and ain't heard from him since.
  23. Yeah give her a few Hugs from us!!! We need her around ta keep you in line!!!
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