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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. HEY SKID! GUESS WHAT.......
  2. I had Corn Flakes and a Banana this morning. I swear it smelled like Barbecue!!! Tasted like crap!! Hope you guys had a great time!!:clap2::clap2:
  3. Didn't see this one in time. I could have made it that far!!
  4. You can keep both of then up there. Let then spend the winter outside!!
  5. Waited til the last second to back out of this one. Temps in the low 30's tonight and leg would give me fits on 300 mile trip.
  6. BUT BUT BUT I have so much...... I'm going back to my corner now...
  7. Good I thought it was me!! I joined late in 04 I think. Might have been 05. Time flies when you are having fun!!! Back when the "Blue Beast" ruled the East Coast!!
  8. You got them Mark.
  9. Yeah you may be a record holder now!! Ain't that Great?? Glad you weren't hurt any worse. I love the linked brakes myself but they aren't for everybody. Watch E-Bay for parts. Bet you are really sore today!! Wear the Gear. Think what it could have been without!!
  10. I'll just stay in my corner... I haven't saw it yet.
  11. SHHH!!! Gonna ruin that Biker image!!!:rotfl:
  12. Ought to take Bets on this one!!!:rotfl: Who gets who first...
  13. Who says Blondes aren't Smart!!!:rotfl:
  14. Nice to know that if we take our 1st Gens there for Vacation we can outrun the Law!!!:rotfl: Not that I would ever think of outrunning a Trooper on a 2nd Gen!!!!
  15. I think the biggest complaint with the 404 was just getting low mileage out of it.
  16. I ain't getting in no Group hug with Beer around!!
  17. There is Always Entertainment!!!
  18. That'll wake you up!! Take it easy Lowell and let things heal. And Quit that!!!
  19. Insurance?? I thought this was a PG site.....
  20. Yep when you get old and slown down its time for a 2nd Gen!!! Glad you admitted that George!!!:clap2:
  21. Not sure. Don't look like 1st Gen but its cold and dark out there. What exactly is it supposed to be?
  22. WHERE IS THIS PLACE??? I really need to check it out!!!:rotfl:
  23. Glad you found it and cure was easy!!
  24. Got to slow down to do that!!! 280+ miles top Lexington....
  25. "Brown Sugar" is only one!!! The "ONE"
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