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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Glad you are still around we need someone to pick on!! :whistling:Besides you didn't think you could get away did you???
  2. I think that bout says it!!! Thanks for the help Brian!!:clap2:
  3. There just ain't no help for some things!!! Might let you take a ride on my slow 1st Gen just to wake you up..
  4. Air the tires up to the max pressure on the sidewalls. What bike do you have? As said steering head could be loose.
  5. :Happy Birthday::clap2: Late But Hope You Had A GREAT One CHARLIE!!!
  6. Didn't see any with her and grandpa..???
  7. I need to get something for the bathroom...
  8. There is still the Warden and that 357 with 180 grain hollowpoints. She shoots better than I do. I miss once in a while...
  9. Son in Law just got his back out of the shop. Has collected 5 deer with that truck!!
  10. That won't make it as Fast as my antique. But I'll be able to keep track of you in the rear view easier!!!!
  11. I've heard a lot are using the new Dunlop E-3s on the 2nd Gens Mark. I like the Avons on my 1st Gen but am going to try a set of the E-3s next on Brown Sugar.
  12. I start complaining and just grabbed a TCI & coils for 25 bucks. If it just works.
  13. CONGRATS!!! Now you get to see how those little girls are special Arthur!!! Get ready to get wrapped around a finger!!! Course that wouldn't happen to me.
  14. There are quite a few of them like that now. I always check shipping first. I have sent messages when shipping is like that asking if they are nuts!!
  15. Never know whats in the Back Room!! And you are scared to come down my road!!!
  16. I might get to tinker with "Ugly" a little today. Lil'Yammer showing up with the yard apes tonight fo a week so I'll probally be busy for a while.
  17. Speedo jumping around?
  18. Just thinking. I used to play quite a bit on there and grabbed a lot of 1st Gen parts to add to my collection. Lately seems if most think they are gold plated?? They want as much as I would for my parts!!! Or they jack shipping up so high it is stupid to try for them?
  19. Could have held out for a new bike.....
  20. Haiti has always been a good place to stay away from. Maybe thats what we ought to do for a while. Let them take care of themselves!!
  21. Have a Great One!!!:Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday: And make sure David gets you something Special!!!
  22. :sign yeah that:
  23. Looks like a little time polishing will make a lot of difference!!
  24. A drop of Super Glue will hold them if you get stuck out somewhere and one comes apart. I put quite a few miles on it before I replaced it for peace of mind.
  25. They keep replacing parts bound to get it sooner or later!!
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