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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Clean & grease connections. Need more info. Did it start back up? How old is battery?
  2. Hope it covers that.
  3. That do look Interesting!! I would go into overload... That with a pan of the Warden's Drop Biscuits... I'd die happy!!
  4. :rotfl: I know the feeling. Gonna hate it when I get old!!:rotfl:
  5. I have told the Warden I'd like to try that. I ran up & down telephone poles for bout 20 yrs but that looks a little different!!
  6. What was that 60 yrs ago???
  7. mind is going too!!
  8. I thought I would never get them out of the house!! And now they just keep coming back!!With more rats!!
  9. I'm just gonna stay in my corner this winter!!! Save moderator some fun....
  10. Yep thats Silly!! No 2nd Gen parts around here!!! Really a good question. I think there was something on it a long time ago for 1st gens. About the same thing should apply??? I've decided just to do it when I change tires. I change back tires so often it get greased a LOT!!
  11. Late but I made it. Is the party over?? Have a GREAT one and make him take you somewhere nice!!!:Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:
  12. Yammer Dan


    What do you mean THINK?? We know!!!
  13. Yammer Dan


    Just Remember, You asked for it!!:rotfl:
  14. Good Luck Jay.
  15. With all these rich folks around here I wonder if I could get a loan.........
  16. Idiots everywhere. My phone has this cord hooked to it. I cant get it out the door????
  17. You know that thing is just waiting to fall in the Ocean don't you???
  18. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  19. Just kidding. I saw them didn't need them. Got a few extras.
  20. That is a sweet looking ride!!:clap2:
  21. Guess I better quit taking the riding mower to the local watering hole!!!
  22. It was probally the same guy you are talking about that got the 85 with a set of floorboards on it. Kickstand was hidden under the boards and he was always forgetting to put it up!!! Can't see it it ain't there I guess he thought!!!
  23. Now I know who outbid me!!!&*%#$%%
  24. Off to a good start. If she has managed to put up with you this long there is hope!!! CONGRATS!!!:clap2::clap2:
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