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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Give me 40 acres I'll turn this rig around.......
  2. Hey Don What happened to that idea that we ban all southerners from post Nov to March????:rotfl:
  3. Good one Lowell!! Spring is coming!! again.
  4. I watched the weather this morning and I'm going back to bed!!!
  5. I was thinking Gene.....
  6. Even the Warden got a kick out of that one!!:rotfl:
  7. Congrats Annie!!:clap2:
  8. Glad you are doing good!! What is this work stuff?
  9. Beer done it....
  10. Your Daughter??? How could you produce anything that good looking??? Sounds pretty good too.:clap2:
  11. I took my Yamaha F something or other out of the closet last week. I was looking for something behind it!! It is a nice Guitar but I don't think I'm learning very fast.
  12. Being a retired State Employee I should be getting plenty of rest. Don't let the Warden see this one. My best excuse is I'm tired....
  13. We had Sunshine today!! Never got out of the 20's but the sun did shine.....
  14. Every time I tell the Warden something she says "Oh Boy thats a good one!!" Does that count???
  15. Any place left that will let us eat????
  16. Wash a car?? Why would you do that??? Don't it rain up there??
  17. Of course they did. Female teacher!!:rotfl:
  18. CONGRATS!!!:clap2: Next he will be asking if he can ride the bike.....
  19. Yammer Dan


    CHARLIE!!! Close the Door!!!
  20. Didn't see a bike listed in there. Shoot Him!!!
  21. And they said the Vision was ugly!!
  22. He is still in our prayers Ben.
  23. I've never ridden a 2nd gen. I keep hearing how fast they are but I have to look in the rear view to find them.
  24. Use a good oil and change it as you should. Period.
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