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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Now I know where my extra Suit went!!!
  2. :banana::banana::sign yeah that:
  3. Nice on deck this morning. Prayers Up!!!
  4. I don't think he knew much of Anything!!!
  5. Way back there I had 2 pieces of good canvas about 10' x10'. Would spread one out pull bike on one edge to hold it down. Tied the other to the scoot with bungies then pulled them out and staked them. Am I making sense? Had a few things Ya had to figure in there. Direction of wind or rain but you could adjust til you could close it up after a little practice. Ended up snug as a bug and young "ladies" loved a chance to spend a night with the "Outlaw":innocent-emoticon:
  6. Hope you are better Randy. I have No faith in those VA Docs.
  7. Or likes his skin where it is instead of smeared on the pavement!!!
  8. Any on flea Bay yet???
  9. And the Warden tried to claim I'm Useless!!
  10. THUNDERBOOMERS!! Prayers Up!!!
  11. Who is That???
  12. Rain-Sunshine-Rain- Thunder-Sunshine-Rain. Prayers Up!!!
  13. Mowed about 1/2. Prayers Up!!!
  14. How far away is the garage???? Push it in. From a guy that rides them til the threads are hanging out....
  15. You nailed it Jack. Know what I should do. Puc got that one. Just doing it..... Nap time!!
  16. I should have bought B2Dads or Larry's when I could afford one. Or that one for 10k. This freaking retirement sucks. I know Puc. Too many toys and cain't work on them right now. This waiting this time is making me OLD!!! I need my "Want To" back. 10 yrs ago I would have already had something on the road. It ain't like I don't have anything to.........:bang head:
  17. Working on mower. Prayers Up!!!
  18. Sweet!!!
  19. It was a purty one. Too many miles for the price I think. I didn't bite. http://www.ebay.com/itm/2000-BMW-K-Series-K1200LT-Trike/332300833930?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649 I'm still in the Hunt. For what? I don't know. Chest still hurts and getting up and down to work on them just don't seem too much fun right now. My chest and air are my big problem. But don't count me Out yet...... Yet.
  20. 87k on a 2000 BMW K1200LT?? How many miles do these things go??? With a Hannigan kit.
  21. 90+ again today. Prayers Up!!!
  22. I have a Harbor Freight "Viking" I think it is. Works great but only a few months old.
  23. Pulled a muscle in my shoulder. Oh what fun. Prayers Up!!!
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