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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Hope it eases up soon Tom. At least you get your system cleaned out.
  2. Good luck getting your place going. I'm making some changes in mine right now. And getting a place to put the scoots while i'm at it.
  3. I saved it but probally be easier to find in Tech Library. Not saying my stuff is a mess but...
  4. Take care of it. I know all about those surprises. That one could be bad if not caught in time. LISTEN to the DOCS!!
  5. Ask Stealer. Did the factory install the Rattle?? Did it cost extra?? And quickly. I would tell them "It is under Warranty and I'm letting you know "Now" something is wrong with it.
  6. Want me to come and ride it for you??? I could ride Brow Sugar up. Ride yours back down. Ride Ugly up. Ride Brown Sugar back down. Ride yours up. Ride Ugly Home!!! Hey I was kidding but this is starting to sound good. And I could tell the Warden I was just helping out!!!
  7. Or go turn the antenna.....
  8. I remember the Warden telling me that.......
  9. I'm going feeling for mine...
  10. I ain't showing the Warden this one!!!
  11. Just showed it to the Warden and she said she had heard it was staged????
  12. I'd say he was a Ballplayer!!
  13. I got to have a couple of those 1st Gens!!! Just don't know how to break it to the Warden. She will find them invisible or not!!
  14. Glad you are telling us about it instead of getting news from somebody else. Thats usually not good. Hope Bike and you are a easy fix.
  15. With Dad and Mom knowing things ahead of time Birth Control might be a problem......
  16. NO NO B goes into D while holding A beside F and.... Good luck Wes. There's always something.
  17. 25 I'm just saying.....
  18. I'll cross mine that "UGLY" don't try that!! I finally got side stand switch working right I think. Took it out three times. It would work right for a while after I lubed it then start killing bike again.
  19. It took a while for me to learn. Don't listen to the Docs so you can do it all over again!!! I got tired of that!!! Not fun going backwards. Cost me a operation to replace all the steel they put in.
  20. SilverStar and Wally World 20 dollar driving lights. Change it to 86 up headlight is best way to go. Costs a bit and getting hard to find.
  21. Hope it goes well Lew. Time to repay some of those Prayers Bro.
  22. I knew you were full of.......14 Years?? You kids are off to a Great start. Hope to see you around for a LOT more!!:ice_awesome-vi46644:smile11:
  23. I'm with Jeff!!
  24. D*** Cell Phones!!!
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