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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. You got 7 more votes Charlie.
  2. Tell-em FrogMan... VentureRiders.Org No Rider Left Behind. I've been the one with the broken bike. With my electrical knowledge I would have still been sitting there.
  3. Me?? I ain't hurt nobody in...... Where is that ##***%&**** Blocklayer!!
  4. Nice pic Charlie. I don't do the facebook thing I'll let the Warden know.
  5. :rotfl: Thats why I usually let Skid lead when we ride. And he seems to know where he is going. I usually don't have a clue. End up in places I didn't know were there.
  6. I'm going to go to work on him!! So far No Show today!!
  7. Grind them up and mix with sausage and serve on biscuits .
  8. Kendra seems to be good tire.
  9. If all those tools that vanish get togather at one time we would have quite a gathering.
  10. You may be coming to get me if he don't get to work!!
  11. Old Men aren't supposed to be riding WOT. How did you know you had a problem???:rotfl:
  12. She also said "See Honey you aren't whipped any more than the rest of those guys." "Now SHUTUP!!"
  13. No Show. This could be the longest thread in Venturerider history and I still WON'T HAVE A GARAGE!!!!:bang head:
  14. HAVE A GREAT ONE CHARLENE!!! Make that old man take you someplact Special!! How did a young Chick like you get stuck with that old geezer????:Happy Birthday::clap2::Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::clap2:
  15. It is a Beauty Dan. Hope they get the bugs out of it.
  16. He had to act shocked to pull it off. Had to be rigged.:rotfl::rotfl:Most of the good actors are from California.......
  17. Hey Earl!! How are you???
  18. Nobody laughed at you Karl.... Much. Let us know Tom.
  19. Did a 2nd gen out run a 1st Gen???
  20. Don't think I would care for it.
  21. Need to send him BACK to school !!!
  22. Leave it on reserve. It will probally break if you try to move it. Lot of threads opn here for fixing plastic. You have too much air in the front. It may have progressive springs and a lot of folks on here don't run any air at all with them. I run about 5 lbs. You can stop that collector rattle by smacking it on the bottom with a hammer. But I broke one like this. Smacked it too hard. Oh and you will have to stop and wait for your son to catch up every now and then...:rotfl: WELCOME!!!!
  23. Anybody seen my Color Tune?? Took off couple yrs ago at the Skid-in. Ain't wrote called or anything. It will probally turn up one of these days claiming "I been here all the time man, and you just been ignoring me!!!"
  24. Must have been a real rough night. He still ain't showed.
  25. 25 yrs ago in school?? Those years are adding up..... I learnt that too. Must have went to school about the same time..... Let us know how the brakes go Kevin. Or how they stop....
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