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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. At least they are making a try. It won't work but they are trying.
  2. No Show!! How can I fire him if he never answers phone and I don't know when he is going to show up. Never know he is here til I look out and he is working. Hate to run him off when he is doing something.
  3. About had to be. I looked but not really close. Assumed it was on. Still in good shape this morning.
  4. Still would like to know the percentage of Molly grease in the Yamalube stuff..
  5. As I said I'm going to use it anyway. Just wanted to find out if it was a way we could save a few bucks. It will take me a couple rear tires to see if it is better than what I'm using. at least a couple weeks. I'm going to have to get me a 2nd Gen so I won't have to change so many tires!!:whistling:
  6. Make sure intake line on compressor is not plugged.
  7. If it was a Royale it would say so on the bags.
  8. Glad you got back safe Rocket. How is the old man?? Ready for another ride??
  9. Is your 83 a Royale? Might have plugs there to plug in. If it is Standard you got some work to do. I'll wait for the Pros. All I've ever put in the Standards is radio with Cassette and CB with splitter. Almost forgot WELCOME!!! This could be the best 12 bucks you could ever spend.
  10. Hope my humor in that last one was understood. Sometimes people don't know where I'm coming from. But that OK. I don't know where I've Been.....
  11. Good Job!! Thats what family is all about. A brother around to back you up when that bully starts his Crap!! Wish I had had a big brother. All I got was Black Eyes!!
  12. Now to turn everything upside down. I've been riding since 1963. OK first one (old 1926 Indian) didn't have motor. I'd push it 1/2 mile up hill so I could ride it back down!!But since 1965 I have used Castrol 20/50 in all my bikes and never had a oil related problem. Uncle that knew more about engines than I ever will steered me in that direction. Granted there have been a lot of changes in oils since then. But IT WORKS GREAT and doesn't cost anywhere near as much as all those fancy ones they claim are so much better. My thoughts are use a good name oil. There are a ton of them out there. Some don't like wet clutches. No Friction Modifiers. If you don't like your ride don't change the oil. Insures you will be replacing it sooner!! Use a good oil and change it as you should. I'll stick with my car oil (Dino Oil) it has done great for me. Still about 2 bucks a Quart.
  13. It is the gas additive. Kind of costly now but works great. Mix about 2/3s can with 1/3 can fresh gas or restart is hard. Pull intake line from rear of fuel pump. I use vise grips oto close off gas from tank because these old bikes don't like to use petcock. Open carb drain screws and drain carbs. Close drains. I forgot to do this once!! Use a extra piece of line to put on fuel pump and in can of Sea-Foam mixture. Turn bike back on and let carbs fill. Start bike and run until you are pretty sure all carbs are full of mixture. Shut off and leave sit for time. At least overnight. It will smoke cough and fart when you start it back up and if jets are completly plugged this may not clear them. I've had a lot of sucess with this. It may cost you a set of plugs. You will be surprised at the stuff that comes out of there.
  14. Somebody owes you a shock!! Thats all.
  15. Want your money back? I would do a Sea-Foam soak on it for a couple days after sitting like that. May help a lot.
  16. I thought it would be good to use and save us a few bucks. I'm going to use it anyway just wanted to know what parts of what it contained compared to Honda Grease. How would I find ingredients of both and percentages of them?? I pull my rear end about every tire change anyway. Less than 5k miles. They just don't last. Can't understand that. But I keep the rear greased good. Would be nice to know I could skip pulling it once in a while.
  17. You know you are just asking for it don't you??
  18. A normal leak I could understand. This thing went in seconds from properly inflated to one side not sealed at all. That side just pulled back off to the middle of the rim. With almost 50 lbs of air in it WHAT HAPPENED??? It had held most of its air sitting all night. Couldn't have been a major leak in sidewall.
  19. Yep you are going to get me in trouble. I told the Warden I needed more money in PayPal. I'll tell her it is all your fault!!:whistling:
  20. The Yamalube stuff shows a pic of CV joint with a splined shaft on it. If it is good for that it would work on anything we want to lube??
  21. ABS Pipe glue works great on cracks and you can make a paste by shaving some ABS plastic into it. I have a can of the MEK in the shop too.
  22. Shifting is a lot easier. Oil Change should make it right now.
  23. Yes I thought it was pretty close when I took the 1st ride and remembered I had forgotten to balance it. It had a little shake but not bad. Thats why I decided to just use Ride-On instead of pulling wheel again. Should have pulled wheel only takes minutes on 1st Gen. Just can't figgure out what caused it to loose air and go down like that.
  24. Catch Him!! I'm trying to run him off now:duck:
  25. So the booster and Ignitech will be a easy swap from bike to bike? I have more than one 1st Gen and this would be a great way to see if things were working right.
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