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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. What Carl said. The way its smoking it must be some kind of valve problem and it is easy to overfill them.
  2. Called another. No answer no call back.
  3. A few you said. OUCH!!! Glad you came out as well as you did. Hate to see that 85 down.
  4. Yeah I feel sorry for them. Somebody has to pick up parts!!
  5. Thanks Squid. Good news in this one is great to read.
  6. I know not to push it too hard. I just can't remember getting this sore. But I've never gone this long without doing something to stay in shape. No excuse. I stayed in that easy chair with the remote in my hand way longer than I should have. If you remember I broke the hardware in my leg by trying to get back too soon. But that is still no excuse. I did a few light leg presses yesterday and bum leg sure didn't like them. NO PAIN NO GAIN. Ouch!! Ouch!! Ouch!! You guys just remind me once in a while not to quit this time.
  7. That was part of the plan but just find a doppie around here that wants to work. Garage is moving along very slowly. Can't seem to handle what I used to. Today I'm raking leaves for 15 min take 45 min break. Didn't it used to be the other way around??? I got a leaf blower but they came down so thick the other day its a mess.
  8. My Black&Decker claims to have a "Float" cycle that works great.
  9. THIS AIN'T IN MY CONTRACT!!!:rotfl::rotfl:
  10. There is also a quick fix for it. Just put the pin back in and rebend tabs to hold it? I'm not sure about this I'm sure someone that has done it will ring in.
  11. Yep I've been thru the whole thing Steve. I want to get back to wanting to do it again. I've lost so much muscle mass I'm ashamed to take shirt off anymore. Arms that could once go 18+ inches now go 15. Chest was 48 now 45 and so on. It's time to turn it around.
  12. Had to ask the Warden to scratch the back of my neck. Couldn't get my hand up there!! Gary I do something on that blasted garage every day. Tired of the damn thing.Gonna have a Yard sale. Sell all the bikes and quit!! Hey Joe "GO FOR A RIDE"!!! I'm going to do some light stuff to try and loosen up a little here at home. Dam I hurt.
  13. The Idiots are out there. And they are looking for us!!
  14. Jack is right. Mine is a Black&Decker "Smart" charger. about 60 bucks on sale but does it all. Also has desulfating cycle which breaks up the crud that starts to form in your battery and will kill it. Also gives reading as to output of battery, has boost starting cycle, float cycle and a 4-10-20 and 40 amp charging cycle. Chargers just ain't what they used to be.
  15. That reminds me!! I need to get a new mirrow. Mine has gotten a bunch of cracks and sagging places in it....
  16. I have a charger that does all this as needed. When it gets battery to where it should be it stops til battery needs to be brought back up to full charge. Also it will handle Glass Matt Batteries. For some reason you can ruin these with a regular charger.
  17. Yesterday after procrastinating about it forever I went to the gym. I can't pick up my coffee cup this morning!! Was on this site just before I went out the door and was thinking about things. So it is this sites fault that I may have overdone it 1st day in about 5 yrs. What I need is to embarrass myself on here so I won't quit. Have really slipped from what I used to be. Getting old and weak. Could probally knock me down with a feather:whistling:!! I paid for membership yesterday in hopes it will drive me a little. If you pay for something you should use it?? My arms really hurt this morning.Think I could get a little prayer for that or do I have to apply elsewhere?? Sorry Don....If you guys would push me a little this time it might help me to get the habit started again. If you get in a habit of working out you don't want to miss it. But if you don't do it regular it is easy to make excuses to skip days and then it goes downhill from there. Getting knocked down as I did it gives you a great excuse not to do it. OK Thats enough. Get out of chair and do something!!
  18. More stuff to learn!! One of these days I'm just going to quit learning. When I do there will probally be plenty of volunteers for Pall Bearers. They will want to make sure I get "Planted":whistling:
  19. Must be rigged!!
  20. I'm kind of short on 2nd Gen parts. Haven't followed any down the road lately. But saw that a chrome tip just went into our classifieds.
  21. I ain't taking that bet. B2Dad and I went for a little ride at Vogel last year.
  22. Called the number today. They said they don't pour pads any more.
  23. You are more than welcome!! Something worked. We have naysayers but....
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