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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Great Color. I have a 1st gen close to that. And the Fins look Great!!
  2. I DON'T Want to be considered for this one. If I won and no chance this year I would have to buy something like this........ http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220923699974&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Give it to Rocket. He could glue it on a 1st Gen!!!
  3. :clap2::clap2::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that: It was Owls fault this time!!!:clap2:
  4. Wasn't you Randy. With the washers the life of those gaskets can be extended....... I'll have to let you know. Over a year and mine still don't leak. I would check them before doing this. Just be carefull but there could be some bolts that have backed off a little over time but I haven't been that lucky on these things. If you remove the bolt and then remove the rubber seal from it I found a washer at Home Depot or Lowe's that fit right inside the chrome cap. put washer on them put rubber seal back and it worked great. I think the next time I will spend a little more and use the fiber washers. When I do pull those covers to do the gaskets I will check valve clearence. No sense going back in again.
  5. Prayers on the way Earl. Good luck.
  6. Until she reads this......
  7. Give credit where it is due Randy. It is a great idea if you don't want to put out the bucks for the gaskets at the time or are just in a hurry as I was. I have a new set of gaskets waiting I just wanted to get it done. I try to help when I can guess I don't type plain enough.
  8. After my accidents I got a cabinet full of pills. Just don't tell my neighbors!!
  9. Cutie Arthur. Lot better looking than you....
  10. It is tricky to get out of that hole once it is unbolted. You just have to keep playing with it.
  11. I think it was RandyA that started that idea. I stopped mine from leaking by adding the washers. Maybe I don't Clarify or whatever but my 1st Gens keep on keeping on.
  12. Looks like I need more info. Too many hardleys!!
  13. He is a heavyweight. Probally around 260. All muscle. I think he said a 08 Softail.
  14. Spring has Sprung???? Sunshine and 50 but I don't know...... Check back next week.
  15. Sea-Foam. Oil from valve covers? Gaskets are best answer but can be slowed a lot with washers on those shoulder bolts. Don't try to overtighten them. THEY WILL BREAK!! If you buy gaskets get 2nd Gen gaskets. They are same and a lot easier to put on.
  16. 86?? Just the fastest of the #1 Breed.
  17. Paying for it this morning. Neither leg wants to move!!!
  18. Thats what I was wondering.
  19. Director at gym found out I ride. Son-in-law got big mouth. Anywho he has a hardley softail. Claims the seat kills his softail after a few miles. Claims it has a Corbin on it now. Wants to know if I can steer him towards seat and is the AGM battery for these things the same as a 2nd Gem battery??
  20. It was Good!!!:rotfl:
  21. Good luck with new one Ruff. It would be something to have a good set of legs again.
  22. I've been thru that one. Good pics Gary. I needed them about 02. Finally figured it out.
  23. Couple of these little pills and I'll be fine....Doc just takes one look at my leg and hands me script.
  24. What she don't know won't hurt ME!!!!
  25. I'm thinking....
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