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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Thanks Guys. That one with the one carl gave me about does it Kevin. It had me worried because one door I looked at was a 10 ft door but required a 10 ft 4 in. opening. After block is laid it is hard to change. With the type doors I got I shouldn't have any troubles.
  2. Thats a Great site Carl. Lot of info to refresh memories.
  3. Door fits against inside face of block. I think. It just doesn't give size opening needed. Frame is in pieces and it is hard to get a height for header to hang framework. I'm getting closer but I hate things where I can't see what I'm getting into.
  4. Thanks Carl. That is helpfull but I know how to hang one. Its that different brands of doors require different size opening because all hardware is not the same. And i can't find it anywhere in there. Wanted to make sure openings were right in the morning. Will be too late by noon walls are growing fast.
  5. We will miss you guys this year but time will pass. Come on 2013!!
  6. CONGRATS Carl. Are you ready to give it up yet???
  7. I started this here because I know a lot aren't paying much attention to garage thread now. I got doors from Wayne Dalton. I can follow most instructions but these are tuff. The one thing I can't find is what size opening do I need to start my framing. Jambs and header I can handle but what size do I set them?? Jambs go flush with edge of block but how wide?? 8 ft doors but different type doors require different size openings to accommodate the hardware. I need width of opening in block and height to hang header. Can anybody prove how dumb I am?? www.dasma.com tech data sheet # 161 Connecting Garage Door Jambs to Building Framing.
  8. Now another problem!! It never stops. I got Doors from Wayne Dalton. 8 ft doors. Yeah they are big enough for what I want. I can not find anywhere what size opening is needed in the block. Instructions are tuff on these things. (So you will get them to install at big bucks??) I can about figure out what to do but what size opening do I start with to frame up and put header?? DASMA.com Tech Data Sheet #161. Shows Jamb going flush with block edge. I'm not the smartest guy around but they got that info hid somewhere and I can't find it. I hate to pay to get these things hung. I need to know the width of the opening and height to place header.
  9. GLad to hear you are OK. Why didn't the school bus stop? I would want answers from driver!!
  10. Just to prove I can do it again!! Anybody remember these?
  11. That didn't hurt too bad!! Warden is a tough instructor. Make one little mistake and BAM!! My head hurts....
  12. Here are the Freaking PICS!!! From this start this morning walls are about 6 ft high. He claims he will pour floor this week!!
  13. Was a story about Great Uncle that woke up in middle of the night. Saw something at end of bed. Shot his big toe!!!
  14. I picked out a new camera today. Really liked it. Told them I wanted one.... "Sorry we only have the display left on that one!!" Scratched up and they wouldn't reduce. Oh well have I mentioned I HATE CAMERAS!! I got walls about 6 ft tall. Got doors today. Forgot lumber for headers for doors.
  15. Went to the store after milk once. Called the wife from the next state.
  16. Walls are growing!! Fast!! I took pics,hooked camera cord up to computer and it locked computer up!!!! Told you it was a bad idea!!Had a hard time getting computer to shut down and restart.Pics are on camera but can't get them to computer??
  17. Todd and OK should not be used in the same sentence..... but I'm glad he is all right.
  18. Come on Mother Nature... Blocklayers hiding from rain.Pouring it down.
  19. Thats Not Love!!! Thats HEAT!!!
  20. I was busy with Garage...
  21. Sure those aren't West Virginia roads??? I went to the Dragon I thought I was home.
  22. Going to check on one today. Blocklayers are on the job. I'm going to have a Garage!!:banana: I think I heard " Brown Sugar" sigh as I went past her this morning!! Big storm last night. She got washed. Again.
  23. Good Point!! Wonder how the contractor will take that????
  24. Spent day chasing garage doors. Couldn't get size I wanted. But 99 per cent bike traffic they will do. And not finding sprayer for rent. This thing is going to drive me nuts before its done!!
  25. What Buddy said. We joke but we all hope you enjoy retirement. I think mine will make a big change when I get that blasted garage done. Besides it was getting a little dull around here. Boss you better alert the moderators.....
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