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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. 33? Is that legal?? Have a GREAT one Mike!!!
  2. If you throw enough Cinder Block and concrete around you won't have much grass to cut! Good luck with the son-in-law. I got one good one and one great one. I don't tell them which is which!!!
  3. Gotta get the twins from next door out of it!!
  4. Moving it to garage!! Back Deck was a little chilly in the winter!!!
  5. I think mine is going to be a metal washtub and a fire!!!
  6. Got sealer for block today and bought a Wagner Power sprayer. Hoping it will handle Primer and Latex.
  7. Congrats!! My "New" one went bye bye.
  8. Who was it that did the R/R buy?? Maybe another?? Something got in my way and I missed the first one.
  9. Its raining and garage stuff to do.:crying:
  10. I already mowed grass. And got 14 yrds of fresh concrete down. Don't need No Cold stuff!!!
  11. You could come and work out with my Son-in-law. I think he likes to see the old man sweat...
  12. Redneck would get lost in West by God when he went around that first turn and couldn't see more that 30 yards in any direction!!!:whistling:
  13. I went to 5 rental places today. No sprayer. So I went to Lowes to order roof material. Got nothing but bad attitude from punk there. Didn't know what to do. Went to Home Depot and got decent est. on roof. Screw Lowes I think they lost a long time customer. I need sprayer before roof. Tomorrow another day. I ain't never building anything else!! I can't even have any luck buying a 1st Gen latelt without somebody stealing it!!:bang head::bang head:
  14. Keep Hammering the rehab Ruff. And like me loosing a few pounds wouldn't hurt anything. I'm trying to stay away from the Hydro's but this thing with the garage has me using the keg a lot more than usual. I wanted to get more active again but the swelling and pain are rough. Just gotta keep pushing!! GOOD LUCK BUDDY!!
  15. I thought I ordered Ride-On a few yrs ago and got three bottles for around 21 bucks. Now lowest listing I can find is about 14 bucks a bottle. Has it raised that much??? This Garage is putting a major dent in my savings. Gotta watch it the Boss claims. Money for the Hot Tub and Big Screen is in jepordy.
  16. I saw one of those riding in a truck the other day that really looked interesting. WELCOME K-Rider!! I gave a Can-Am rider a card yesterday.
  17. The Roof ain't on yet!!
  18. I buy the cheap wally world swim Mattresses. Usually take two with me. Don't take up much room and if you bust one you ain't lost a lot. They work great for me. Make sure you carry a spare.
  19. Spread 15 ton of gravel and poured 14 yrs of concrete today. He didn't order enough concrete. Got floor finished but wanted to pour corner walls.
  20. He repeated my workout!! Just can't figure that kid...
  21. I got a rope! Glad Daughter is OK.
  22. Looks good to us. Hope "they" pay attention to it!!
  23. I would like to go to work. Long enough to Beat down a couple convicts!! Just a little stress relief....
  24. I think Mark had the class 1st Gen Education 101 given by "Ugly" a couple yrs ago. And "Brown Sugar" is faster. So far. Garage is almost done...
  25. Now I see what is wrong. This is a 2nd Gen. 1st Gen takes a couple hrs with several breaks!! Ahead of their time...... I'm sorry fellers. Contractor giving me rough time this morning . Gotta get somebody....:whistling:
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