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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Another late one. Too much in my head. Prayers Up!!!
  2. I just don't understand how anything could have a hook like that. I had a little trouble with alcohol when I was younger. Didn't like one drink just wanted to keep going til I fell down. (be quiet Squid) But didn't have any trouble putting it aside when I needed to. What could make you want anything that much??? I just don't understand how anything could bring you down that far. And it seems weed can be a "When I want to" with most although I have seen the bad side of that in my work. There are those that can't do it. Gotta stay smoked out of their mind all the time and it usually leads to something a little stronger. My son has a very bad backthey won't operate on for some reason. He got hooked on Pain Pills with it and just stood up and said "That's enough of that and threw them away. But his back puts him completely down at times and this Idiot he hangs with now convinced him "Take a hit of this Meth and you won't hurt. I ought to shoot the S.O.B. Of course he denies all this.
  3. I'm all out of Jerky!!! Time for Bambi to...........DIE!!!
  4. You and me Orlin. The bunch he is hanging with now have stolen from me several times. I keep telling myself that couldn't happen but am watching closer. I don't classify Pot as hard drugs but I've heard a thousand stories. "How did you get started?" "Well I was smoking pot" I know some can handle it and some can't. Probally not a great subject for this site. But Damn I HATE DRUGS!!
  5. Yammer Dan


  6. Sunshine back. Prayers Up!!!
  7. His mother picked him up and drove him to Texas. Not too bright.
  8. Puckster next door?? That pile of 1st Gen parts might come in handy!!
  9. Young lady we knew in Georgia was found gone from OD this morning. Man I hate that stuff. Got a son trying out the Meth path and have no idea what to do. Its the one thing I preached to them. DON"T DO DOPE!!! Got me scared to death waiting for that call. This was the son I bragged about for years. 5 kids and had it going for him til that ugly thing raised its head. Why would anyone do that. His family is gone and I'm not sure where he is. Getting cold out there. Just had to vent a little. Things have really turned upside down the last year or so. Golden years my a**!!!
  10. Orlin prayers continue for Sharon. Heal fast and well. Prayers Up!!!
  11. We missed the frost last night. Might get another week in growing Peppers, Maters & squash. With a pan of the Warden's biscuits there just ain't nothing better!! Make the smoke curl up out of your ears. Keeps ya belly warm!!
  12. Is This PUC?? Before he lost his Hair??? :think:And Vocal cords???
  13. Inmate from jail where brother is being held. Missing for more than 2 days before they realized he was gone. As I said a real clown act.
  14. Caught him in Texas trying to cross the river. 4 officers job hunting and it should be more!!
  15. Couldn't see any frost at 7:30?? Prayers Up!!!
  16. Cold & Wet! Prayers Up!!!
  17. Yammer Dan


    Sounds?? A couple more yrs they won't make much difference. WHY???
  18. Yammer Dan


    Why would we want?? WHY???
  19. Understand that!!! But I've Twice seen Blacksnakes eat Copperheads!! So I'll let my buddy hang around as long as he/she wants. I do hate them Copperheads!! They are mean. Most snakes will run away given the chance. Copperheads will sit and wait!!
  20. Corrections. A strange animal to say the least. Not a job for everyone. I'm proud to say I retired with my badge as clean as the day I got it. Got called a a**hol* a few million times along with other things, but when count time came I did my counts. If you brought contraband into My unit it was mine sooner or later!! If it was Written in Black& white that's the way we did it. Not a job for idiots that just want to be friends. When asked who was the hardest officer on the hill you got my name. But when asked where they wanted to stay it was in the units I was in charge of because they were the safest.
  21. I got a Black Snake that hangs out in the back yard. With him there I don't have to worry about the Copperheads!! I've seen this happen. Black snakes will eat Copperheads!! No Copperheads around here since he started hanging around. I talk to him and he will raise his head up as if listening.
  22. Yammer Dan


    Cause I'm Colorblind!!! Don't make no difference ta me!!! WHY???
  23. Yeah if ya get on welfare its bound ta go right thru!!! Seriously brother commend you for getting it right!! Hope its over soon. Let us know so we can congrat our new Sister!!!
  24. Yeah I'm hitting that weight room Earl but its reminding me of that " No Pain No Gain"
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