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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Were You really there??:think: I just can't remember... Find any extra parts???
  2. I been thinking!! Yeah I know. I don't think there is anyone here that wants goose to go away. He has a lot of knowledge about these things and can help a lot of folks. You don't have to read his posts although I will admit I've read a couple. You also don't have to agree with them!! Social Skills?? Well.... Working on 2nd Gens...being nice to goose...Am I getting Old??? Nah IT WAS'T ME!
  3. Read most ads and they will tell you. But it is two sets. There are some ads out there selling all three as a package. You should check a little on what kind of material you want to use. Some eat rotors a lot faster. Some stop better.Some just sit there and look pretty without much stopping power. All kinds of differences.
  4. Grease the speedo and don't worry about idle til you get it running better. Book calls for 900 RPM. Use soap bubbles to check connections on air lines. Is rear holding OK? DON'T over air Front. No more than 12-14 lbs in there. With progressive springs a lot of guys run no air in front. I still keep a little so I can make sure it is working right.
  5. With a bike with shady history Sea-Foam can work wonders. Some of the time. Sometimes they get plugged til Sea-Foam can't work its magic. A good soak with Sea-Foam can help. Mix about 1/2 can of Sea-Foam with 1/2 can of Fresh gas. You need a piece of somethiong to use for fuel line about 18 inches to 2 ft. Almost any kind of flexible CLEAN line will do. Before you start it is good to open carb drains to make sure you have gas flowing thru them. Close drains after this:whistling: Unhook fuel line from rear of fuel pump and clamp off with vice grips (explamitaion later) hook your piece of line here (it needs to fit) and insert other end into can of Sea-Foam and gas. Start bike and run until you are sure carbs are full of this mixture. Shut off and leave sit at least overnight. Couple days won't hurt anything. Hook fuel line back up and start bike. It will smoke, fart, belch and cough. See how much you have helped it already...(It couldn't do that could it??) It should smooth out and run better. I don't use petcock to shut off fuel on these old things because they become very easy to break. Most of us turn them gently to reserve and leave them there.This may cost you a set of plugs as it will break loose a bunch of crud and fart it out but it will help!! It won't stay with "Brown Sugar" but you should have no trouble staying ahead of the 2nd Gens!!:whistling:GOOD LUCK and WELCOME!!
  6. The AGM from Skydoc will stop your slow starts. Just so much more power and holds charge thru those periods it has to sit when you can't get to it.
  7. You see the pic of that guy without his shirt and those that know me will know it is a Impostor!!:whistling:
  8. Well?? How did it run???
  9. Really hate it that I missed this one!!:whistling:
  10. I just got a Capitol One to use for gas on trips to save having to go in and pay go back out pump gas then go back for change. Used it going to MD this time after Capt Joe showed me how. They told me there was nop annual fee. I'll keep a eye on this one!!
  11. They can really add about anything to those photos anymore can't they. You would almost think. Nope couldn't be!!
  12. Who are those People?? Weird looking bunch!!!
  13. Just got in door. Said goodby to Interstate and did some back roads. A GREAT RIDE!! Ready to do it again!!
  14. Going up 77 / 250?
  15. Good workout tonight. I WILL NOT be too sore to ride in the morning!!
  16. There will BE NO Garage work this weekend!!
  17. Faster than time can move!!! I have trouble with the headlight keeping up with it to!!:whistling:
  18. Cooler. I knew there was a reason I wanted a trailer....
  19. Sweet Lew. Those black cases look sharp.
  20. That would be nice Jeff. I was looking for something this morning.
  21. I saw a bunch of them that I thought were a lot cheaper than usual.
  22. It fell off a tall cliff.... In the Rain?? Gray matter not being used!! Little in excess anyway unless you are used to riding a 1st Gen!!!! I hold "Brown Sugar" back as much as possible...
  23. There is a bunch of 99 parts on Flea-Bay right now for some good prices. Just trying to help I know all those 2nd Genners need something....maybe not parts but...
  24. Pranks?? Whats he ride??
  25. I been kicked out of some high class places.....most of them don't allow motorcycles inside.
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