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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I didn't notice misspelling. I just ment Squid knew what he was doing on the bikes...
  2. Only about 20 sheets of metal and all the trim to go. Then there is paint, shelves,garage doors, windows,walk in door....whose idea was this anyway!!! Oh yeah the Wardens!! I better get busy...
  3. Didn't come out as lucky as I thought. Foot swelling pretty good and might have to hunt pain pills. Don't think I damaged anything it just didn't like all that weight on the steel plates and screws. So I'll punish it a little more this evening.
  4. MK1 is the Baddest of the Bad!!! All downhill from there...
  5. Don't know if ladder couints. I was only hanging upside down by one leg. I didn't hit the ground....
  6. Went out this morning stood up on garage roof and shoes started to slide. Sat down and it did slow me down. A little. Right off the edge!! Lucky I was on the lowest corner only about 8 feet. Landed on both feet. Should have tried to land on the good one. Bad one didn't care for that but seems OK other than complaining a lot. I'll be limping pretty good for a while again but I've had plenty of practice. Thankfull I'm not really hurt. Easy fall if I had to do it. Gonna let Jeff have this falling stuff. I can't hide mine. Oh Well back to roof. I didn't get any pics of me coming off there. Guess I'll have to have the Warden stand by with camera.
  7. Shoes that stick to Roof!!
  8. Too Late!! Done started. I do have the 3 rib metal. I looked at it for a while and put them on the flats. I guess I'll find out.
  9. Gym day and Garage day. Not sure which does the most good.
  10. I've read and read trying to find how to screw that metal on. Too many different opinions. Guess I'll do my own. I'm putting them in the flats only. Some put them in the flats and on the overlapping rib? I don't think they would be necessary on the rib if the stuff lays down as it should with nothing sticking up for wind to grab. And not as many as several are using. I'm thinking every 4 ft is plenty. I'm going to try to hit the trusses with them. Using 1 & 1/2 inch screws and 1/2 inch OSB as sheeting thats a lot of screw doing nothing. If they hit the trusses it would be a lot more holding power= less screws??
  11. I was thinking of my 86. Not sure they will work on it? Or how hard it would be to adapt to the 86?
  12. You don't think this one is over do ya???:whistling: Hows the ribs???
  13. Be surprised at how many you know and don't know..
  14. But the bike smooths out and runs better after the Sea-Foam??? With more Git up and Go!!
  15. I use the Modular and really like it. Quality of helmets?? I like to look at what I buy and if it looks good and feels good i think the cheaper ones will do as good as the costly ones. I've gave several some good licks and am still here. I don't know of a study that compares them other than the DOT standards. Would be interesting.
  16. I bet Erika ain't fooled much. I used to try that on the Warden but she always knew.
  17. :sign yeah that: You have to watch the quality of some of their stuff but you can load a tool box full of useable tools for a LOT less money than the big names.
  18. Don't know where this Talent came from. I was a fair football player (not big enough just loved to hit) This Grandson is just fast and has a ton of talent. I worry about his head being able to handle it more than anything. Have seen talent ruin some kids. he had a game during the season that was close and he was catching. He made a throw to 2nd that was just too hot for 2nd baseman to handle and it cost them a run. They lost by 1. He blamed hiself for the loss although he had several hits and a homer in this one. He told the other kids it was his fault for making stupid throw that 2nd baseman couldn't handle. I am proud of him.
  19. Becky you better keep a eye on him in there!! Bob Leave the nurses alone and go home!!! Hope you are feeling better.
  20. I recieved a baseball today. It belonged to a Little Leauge all Star this year. Won the regional when he had a Grand Slam. His first. Guess who he gave the ball to. I'll sell it one of these days for a million bucks!! In the championship game he had a Double. a tripple, a inside the park homer (that boy is as fast as a 1st Gen) and a Grand Slam. With the 10 strikeouts he had while pitching not a bad game. All star play starts in about 2 weeks. Guess I'll have to go watch.
  21. I am told if it reads 120 MPH you can't be doing that!!! All I know is that it is QUICK and I saw it run out of numbers a few times!! Thats my story and I'm Sticking to it!!! Read my sig.
  22. You mean the new pretty tools that don't want to work as good as the old ones???
  23. I'm afraid the skeeters we got might take it away from me!!
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