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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Keep them. Insurance that you will Not need them.....
  2. Avoid the friction mode refiners. I have been using Castrol 20/50 for years. Choose a good oil and change as you should
  3. Would not have any idea.........LoL
  4. FrogMan to the rescue!! I do not know what he is doing but computer acts impressed.
  5. Collector? Is that part of the exhaust? Loose baffle in collector will be what you find. Take them all out. It probably won!t happen again.
  6. There is u joint that connects the tranny to the driveshaft. Old timers kicking in can!t think of the name of it. Sounds like this could be your problem.
  7. She did not tell me things had to cool off.
  8. Do nothavecomputer to listen but i would still bet exhaust.
  9. Brownies?? What Brownies
  10. Out the door as soon as oven is done.
  11. We will explain it to you when you trade for a Sportster.......... Would like to have seen his face!!
  12. Grease the speedometer head or you will have same problem again.
  13. I can take a wasp sting and almost laugh and just keep going. But yellow jackets or hornets are another thing. They cause throbbing pain for hours. I do not care for those things!!
  14. Phone numbers all hid in computer. Give me a call.
  15. I got trick that might work on that carb.
  16. Just watch out for their neighbors. I got two nests of Yellow Jackets. One to go. They ain't! Got me YET!!
  17. Tire pressure at at least 40 lbs? Condor sells the fork brace that seems to help. 404s not pick of tires.
  18. I got rid of the Yellow jackets in my front yard last night. Waited til dard poured about a pint of gas into one of the holes. They had three entrance holes close together. Put five gallon bucket over holes weighed it down to seal no bees this morning.
  19. Glad she is home. Not having a reason for things sucks! Hoping it was a one time thing.
  20. Just about ready for the hammer. I have pics in this hard drive that can not be replaced. Hate to loose them. What is up with carbs?
  21. No safe mode without F8 key only got F2 and F12
  22. Do not have F8 only F2 and F12 work.thats another problem not much to work with.
  23. I have it on desktop
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