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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. 14 ft. lb. And I don't think it will mess with balance enough to be a concern if rotors are in good shape.
  2. :rotfl::rotfl: I'm staying in my corner. Done been chewed on enough for voicing my opinion.....:whistling:
  3. WORK??? This is a PG site!!! MODERATOR!! MODERATOR... One of them 4 letter words in here!! Next thing they will be talking about SNOW!!!
  4. Have a great one Kenny!!:clap2: Don't take any gifts from the convicts!!! :Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday:
  5. Afraid I'm headed there. Could slow down those trips to the gym.... Hope you heal quick. Follow Docs advice.
  6. 3rd check tonight. Nobody there.
  7. I heard the next one was going to "TOP" the bucket??
  8. Its only been 45 minutes!!
  9. So would a 2nd Gen rear caliper improve 1st Gen rear brakes just a little. None at all. Or too much?? What makes them so touchy if same as 1st Gen 86-93?? Never did understand that part. Shawn as Bob says I would just catch one on E-BAY and keep fingers crossed. Clean good before installing. I took a set from E-Bay completely apart cleaned them CAREFULLY put them back togather and never had any problem til I totaled the bike. No brakes had nothing to do with accident....
  10. BUT WHAT A RIDE!!!!
  11. Its a big window....
  12. Sounds like you got the fuel flowing now. Might use whatever cleaner you want for the next few tanks. My personal choice would be Sea-Foam or Marvel Mystery Oil. Not harsh enough to hurt anything and will help open things up.
  13. Makes me think of Skid's window over looking the DQ parking lot. You know how hard it is to work on a bike in the spring when those young ladies start visiting DQ and start trying to see which one can wear the least amount of clothes...Gotta get some garage time in!!
  14. Guess I'm gonna have to whup the devil....
  15. Getting caught with a sheet might get you a few knots on your head up there right now!!!:rotfl:
  16. Good thing that was a large size hole!!
  17. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGE!!!!:Happy Birthday:
  18. :rotfl::rotfl: Don't blame him a bit!!:rotfl:
  19. Just make sure they cut on the right or was it left one. Which one was right? The left or the other one?? Anyway good luck. Sounds like you might need some...
  20. I see a Saab sitting there!!!
  21. The 3rd or 4th operation was to replace hardware I broke. DON'T PUSH IT!! Take your time. Let it heal.
  22. Still at three days a week. Not helping weight. 238 Fat F***ing lbs!!! Have I mentioned I like to EAT!!
  23. Update: I'm doing 250 lb leg presses with the leg. Still hurts at times and I still limp a little??
  24. Now is the time to make a selection on fuel Stabilizer(spelling). I would go with Marvel mystery Oil because of price.Bunch of crackheads are going to scream you don't need it. If you use just a oz or 2 in each tank it should keep the crud Ethanol causes out of there. But they may already have crud not caused by Ethanol just dirty gas. Just my idea do as you want.
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