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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. BRAKES???:think:We got brakes?? All good advice here. Clean-up before installing and I break my brakes in with a few hard stops.
  2. RESPECT?? I get none of that either.....
  3. I Think er I thought now what was it Oh nevermind.
  4. I got one of them!! Guess I'm not far enough west and north!!They are coming here fast enough!!!
  5. Too many Rum Balls.....
  6. GREAT MINDS think alike. Put my 67 Triumph togather in living room of trailer. Rigid frame 16 over Grundy front. 1st chopper. Getting it out and up 35 yards of steps was FUN!! But I got to ride mine. Electrical systems on those old things.... Would love to have mine back!!!
  7. Mail Lady and if she had know what was in the mail I probally wouldn't have gotten them...
  8. And I ain't telling. There are some things I'm scared of!!!
  9. I don't think thats where these Rum Balls came from. The candy thing wasn't hard but weight?? I'm rearangeing it. Just trying to get back to what I was at one time. When I walked the yard at a maxium security prison and the convicts moved out of my way. Probally gained a few but waistline lost just a little. Maybe. I quit the candy for several reasons but really haven't made a effort to loose weight yet. I may do that this spring. Maybe. Have I mentioned I LIKE to EAT!!! I've never seen a bad Burger.... Where did I put those Rum Balls... I might just be getting old. Who said that!!
  10. Those pipes will warm up VERY quickly. Check when its cold just keep feeling the pipes touching them one at a time til they get too hot to touch and see if one is behind the others. You can still touch it after others are too hot to touch. That is guilty one!! Start with changing plug. Most of the time that will cure problem. Don't Burn Fingers!!
  11. More Work.....
  12. I cut candy completely out of my diet over a year ago. Now Rum Balls...they aren't candy are they??? Maybe if I try a few more...I won't need my protein drink before working out today!!
  13. That must be why I heard chuckling as I left the garage last night......
  14. Now where are those 2nd Gens.....
  15. BLUE...:crying:
  16. South Charleston, South Ridge
  17. No Boobs showing?? You are loosing a lot of customers there Carl!!
  18. With proper equipment and an experienced hand, much better results are achievable. What doesn't that apply to?? I've seen guys that were overwhelmed by the cinderblocks....
  19. Have a Good time. Don't pay any attention to those young ladies showing off!! Or at least take pics!!
  20. AWWW SHUTUP!!!!! :Avatars_Gee_George:Spring is coming!!!
  21. I change my own tires and thats the only nethod of balancing I've ever used. Two corner cinderblocks with the groove in the end work great. Course as slow as I run it probally wouldn't make any difference.
  22. Now I've petted a few sweaty things.......:stirthepot:
  23. 14 ft. lb. And I don't think it will mess with balance enough to be a concern if rotors are in good shape.
  24. :rotfl::rotfl: I'm staying in my corner. Done been chewed on enough for voicing my opinion.....:whistling:
  25. WORK??? This is a PG site!!! MODERATOR!! MODERATOR... One of them 4 letter words in here!! Next thing they will be talking about SNOW!!!
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