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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. If the pocketbook will handle it this is the way to go.
  2. Still Snowing!!
  3. How did it go Annie? Those 1st days back are rough after something lie this.
  4. Red wire getting hot? Just a thought. Would prove bad connection somewhere. Carl has good ideas. Clean and Di-electric grease everything you can. I replaced the old fuse panel on the "Blue Beast" a long time ago with single fuses. Can't remember exactly why but I'm thinking it was just cranking a lot before it would start and I ran a jumper across fuse box and it started better??
  5. You could put in there that you are Mexican and are trying to get Green Card.... Just trying to help.
  6. Check the exhaust chamber over good. Use best. Maybe remove baffles. Could try with long needle nose and wiggle them til they come loose and pull out or cut open and reweld.
  7. Sounds like you got a good start on it. Di-Electric grease all connectors. Grease speedometer head. I would check the valves just because it would be so easy and replace that valve cover gasket if any seeping at all. It is old. Flushing all lines of course. Clutch spring?? Of course major clean and paint what you can. Maybe a coat of wax on things you will never see again. I think shock and rear direct swap. No carb gaskets unless you take them apart. Both should be Royales so Air ride I think is direct swap. Look for R1 calipers? That ought to keep you busy til lunch tomorrow.
  8. Have a GREAT ONE MIKE!! See ya this summer.:Happy Birthday::Happy Birthday::clap2: 34? Is that legal?? I've already had my 39th...I'm sure. ENJOY MIKE!!
  9. Things are turning WHITE again.:snow2:
  10. Hummm... I don't bend as good as I use to. Who's driving??
  11. Listen to the Docs John. Every once in a while they know what they are talkng about.Really take it easy and heal. GOOD LUCK!!!
  12. I went out on the deck in my Haynes and tried that. IT DON'T WORK!!!:snow2:
  13. Try the price on a New one from Yamaha.
  14. Sorry Gary I was thinking 90-93 different. Roy it is good to have for the peace of mind for me. Those things can die at any time. Usually won't crap out all at once but I got it covered in my saddlebag on any trip I take. Gary provides good hookup instructions and everything to do it with on the spot. I even think I could change one out.
  15. Roy I don't think this one will work on your bike.
  16. Who gets to eat first? The Bozos or the Clowns???
  17. HEY DON!!! Can't we do something about this?? I thought those guys down there weren't allowed to post during the winter!! Wait a minute....nevermind!!
  18. eh... What do they pay Clowns??
  19. Oil been changed??
  20. I figured since Don wasn't getting anywhere with this thread it shouldn't go completely to waste.......
  21. I really think I've seen that place....
  22. In the 20's here today. No white crap. Spring???
  23. How many 1st Gen sitting out there??? The Warden been watching me.... That valve tool don't work in a womans brain and the TCI's are worse!! Gonna have to start sending them in huge boxes with a lot of packing. "YOU PAID HOW MUCH FOR THIS LITTLE THING!!!" "Not as much as I did for that ring you are wearing!!!" "WELL I DON'T THINK YOU NEED THAT BIG SCREEN IF YOU ARE GOING TO WASTE ALL THAT MONEY ON THIS JUNK!!" "But But But..." See how it goes around here!!
  24. Glad to hear from you. Don't push things. Take it easy and heal. Glad it wasn't any worse. Been there with the brain bleeds. Will do crazy things to you but I was already this way...... That getting dizzy can return for a while at times. Be carefull. I bugged me for a few months. Just take it easy for a while.
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