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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. How thw He** should I know. Shelves in way of bike!!
  2. I just got it togather. Haven't got a chance to try it yet. Shelves giving me fits!!:bang head:
  3. OK I finally got me a lift from Harbor Freight. What do I need to use it on a 1st Gen. Going to be hard to get out of the habit of jacks & boards.
  4. I knew you reminded me of somebody.....
  5. ROCKET?? ROCKET?? Where ya hiding??
  6. Oh Well then...... What can I get for 20 -1st Gen wheels???
  7. I'm only 2 states away...
  8. I'll take on the winner!! I'll admit quickly that my pocket book is one reason I don't ride Hardley anymore. And comparing the ones I rode to the new ones is unfair. But I really like the 1st Gen. It would take a lot of bike to get me off it. If I ever decide to go new (and I could swing one if I really wanted) I would have to look close at the Wings. My Harley chopper will always be in my heart. Girls fought to get on the back of that thing!!!
  9. I catch enough flack for the Sea-Foam. It is Great stuff and if you use it will prevent 95 per cent of carb problems if used as you should. I don't use it as often as I used to because it is getting so pricey. I only use a little about every 3rd tank and if taking a trip I'll usually give it a strong dose. But I buy by the Gallon when it is on sale. I mix it with other stuff to make it go even further. Forgot to treat my Lawn Mower last fall and it won't start!!
  10. Yammer Dan


    Thats what I wanted to know!!
  11. I really don't listen as often as she thinks I should. Yeah I felt the urge to get on and go but I purposely got Scoot trapped in garage til shelves are finished. Still trying to figure out why I done that. I could move things. Last year from about MD on was a waste for me but they got me chomping at the bit this spring!! Blood Disorder is nasty. I promised I would get things in order here when I started waking her up in the mornings....
  12. How many shims in a 1st Gen? Thinking of buying set of buckets just to get shims. Would that make a good starter set. Maybe we could have another to pass around?
  13. When the Warden says Bushes need trimed she is not referring to what I try:whistling:. So after I get up out of the floor I go outside and trim bushes:Avatars_Gee_George:. It was a little cool to ride and my leg don't care for cool. Next few days its supposed to warm up and she can't say..."You could have been doing this or that instead of clowning around on that deathtrap!!" :think:I'm way ahead of her!!
  14. Nice outside today. Did fire up "Brown Sugar" for a while and looked things over to see how we came thru winter. Trimed a few bushes. I would just like to know how that old man snuck into this young Stud's body??
  15. I've rode the Dragon a few times and it is WORK!! Last time I met a crotch rocket passing a cage coming out of a turn in the middle of my lane. He held his line and I missed him. He didn't move at all. Proved what a big chicken I am I guess. I thought about running the dumbass down but I couldn't have caught him. This and the Hardley rider we had to listen to at the start of the Dragon made that trip unforgetable. I enjoy the Dragon but there are too many IDIOTS that don't know how to ride anymore and take the fun out of it. Wonder what would have been left of that Big Mouth if he had started something. Several were watching him.
  16. 86 was 1st 1300. 85 still had 1200. What you going to load two of these things on without damage to plastic? Something to think about. It says offer. 1000? Two dead bikes! He don't have to know what you know or about your family.
  17. We won't pick on you Annie. But that big blue thing.....
  18. Got 3+ acres. How big is camper....
  19. :sign yeah that:
  20. No time to chase nurses??
  21. Just waking "Brown Sugar" up.
  22. Elbow Grease....
  23. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
  24. have to agree with Ben. Little longer tounge needed it looks like with that boat. And move boat up a little.
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