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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. I probally should have put this with the other thread just don't feel up to looking it up. My niece Taylor Woods went home to be with God last night. So young. 17 yrs old. So wrong.
  2. Cut a piece of a ABS coupling that will fit over area with nick good depending on where its at in the elbow but so it would fit over it good and snug. Check couplings to see which would fit the configurations of elbow the best. Apply with liberal amount of ABS glue. Hold tight until glue sets. Just my 2 cents worth.
  3. OUTSTANDING!!!:clap2:
  4. Where is that Horses a er a Pony Tail??
  5. Red was GREAT!!!
  6. Well, Well, Who really cares? For what we pay and get out of it "most" of the time.... Well I had to say something!!!
  7. no! No! No!!!
  8. Know exactly how you feel there Squeeze. I for one value your opinion more than most on here. We have a few I just ignore that think they are something. They can line up beside "Brown Sugar" and show me what they know.
  9. I'll get right on that!! Wait you said new RSV. I ain't old enough for one of those yet!!!
  10. Still a funny one Ben. I kicked the end out of my cradle laughing the 1st time I heard that one!!:rotfl:
  11. This is a young lady that grew her hair down to her waist and donated it to locks of love. Made hair bands for cancer patients, And donated blood every year to help others.
  12. Before pics
  13. I got her sister. Thank god she don't read this often!!!
  14. Endogenous Lipoid Pneumonia Thats a mouthfull. Youngest ever to have it. If I can figure out how I will post some pics of this young Warrior before this tragedy. Claimed she was going to whup me and I don't doubt her a bit. If she can whup this I think I'll hide!!! I have seen the power of prayer before. We will get pics of this beautiful young warrior.
  15. Forget the easy riding thing. The "Blue Beast' didn't loose 2nd until 75k+.
  16. I'd try the magnet Bob but if it don't work put another one in there.
  17. Thanks Jeff but I don't think they will let her do that ride right now. Her defenses are way down and they have to be carefull. I'll let you know if conditions change. She has taken so much Chemo and steriods to try to stop this thing that they are wearing on her. One brave little fighting lady.
  18. That sounds awful familiar..... but I made Daytone on a hardtail. ONCE!!
  19. I have broke 50 with "Brown Sugar" with a 2nd Gen in front holding me up....
  20. Salery of Red Cross CEO was 652,000 plus expenses. They are standing by and watching this family struggle.
  21. Taylor Paige Woods was diagnosed with a very rare disease called Endogenous Lipoid Pneumonia. It is an immune disorder that is basically making her body attack itself. There have only been a handful of people diagnosed with it, all who have been significantly older than Taylor. She is 16 years old and a senior at West Johnston High School. Many of our upperclassmen here at Cleveland know Taylor from freshman year and Cleveland Middle School. Taylor is also the niece of a very proud aunt, Cleveland HS teacher, Joy LaFrance-Phipps. She donated blood in February through the school’s blood drive and was so excited to be able to help people in need! The following month, she developed a dangerous bacterial infection which ended up in her bloodstream. This caused her body to basically “short-circuit.” She had 2 surgeries on her arm which had a HUGE hole in the exact location the needle went in where she donated blood. She almost lost her arm. Even after her second surgery she was still encouraging people to donate blood to save lives. Articles have been printed in local papers detailing Taylor’s plight and encouraging people to be vigilant about their safety. She has told everyone, “We need blood donors. It saves lives. It was NOT donating blood that made me sick…a mistake made me sick.” Since March, she has been out of the hospital for a total of MAYBE 6 weeks. She missed half of her junior year. This has been an area of huge stress for Taylor. She is fighting for her life right now at UNC Children’s Hospital in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. Her doctors there have consulted physicians around the world and have been unable to successfully treat this horrible disease. She is on her fourth treatment and we are praying that this one works! The doctors have said she has the lungs of an 80 year old. She is on oxygen, has had a chest tube, has fluid around the lungs and heart, has had 3 blood clots, and has undergone a plethora of tests, surgeries, procedures, etc. She begins to “de-sat” (oxygen levels plummet) from simply going to the restroom or changing her clothing. She has been a fighter through all of this. All this from giving blood. Not trying to discourage anyone from that but Red Cross has left this family High and dry and fighting. I owe this brave young lady a ride.
  22. 102 entries. Think I'll buy a extra Powerball. When I win that thing then we are having a Party!!
  23. DOWNHILL!!
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