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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Got a empty bed and something dead to eat. But you better ask Mini about my "Driveway":whistling:
  2. Yeah thanks for reminding me!! One of my projects is that 65+ yr old bottle of Jim Beam I got.
  3. Be very carefull riding it onto the trailer. Seen more than one dumped trying this...
  4. June Cycle World. Wonder why Kevin Cameron made me think of my new garage with about 500 projects going at one time?? Can hardley walk thru it. After all those dreams?? And I'm still dreaming of making 4-stroke pipe to replace trhat exhaust chamber.
  5. Mine came from Harbor Freight.
  6. Just got my tire machine mounted in garage.
  7. Mushrooms,Ramps & eggs & taters!! Real food!!:clap2:
  8. lots of animals I can kill and eat if I need to, and...a large arsenal to fend off strangers. I got that part covered and live right on a river. Mushrooms are coming up now. The kind you eat without seeing things...
  9. Ain't afraid just can't catch them. I'm still looking...
  10. You mean I got that to look forward to???
  11. No more than that I wouldn't worry. It is a good way to make a mess....... Ask Skid.
  12. And I'm tired of hiding!! I just don't fit in a F****** corner!!!
  13. Well that removes all doubt. Dawn is a whole lot better looking than you!!
  14. You going to hold the bag?? I'm scared of those things....
  15. You might have to hide in the corner as I do Deepforkriver but when you are right you are right!!
  16. Gave up on mine in Aug.
  17. Depends on where you are....
  18. Some things will blow up when stirred.
  19. Gonna have a time getting that trike thru the door....
  20. :sign yeah that::sign yeah that: Thats why I don't have any relays......
  21. I could have done that on my Honda 50 in 1968. Now....I could walk thru it without knocking down more than a dozen cones......:whistling:If I could walk that far!!
  22. Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder. I named my 85 "Ugly" but nobody ever said I was normal. I seem to get opinions pretty often that I don't care for. I put them the same place I do those threats from my neighbor about what he is going to do with his Hardley. ( The neighbor I can never catch on the road) I may some day pick up a Voyager. I don't want a full time trike and don't give a Rats Ass what others think of it.
  23. Quit stealing my ideas there buddy:whistling: When is he leaving home?? FOOD!!!!FREE!!My two Favorite words!!!
  24. Lucky to get rid of that clunker huh....
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