June Cycle World. Wonder why Kevin Cameron made me think of my new garage with about 500 projects going at one time?? Can hardley walk thru it. After all those dreams?? And I'm still dreaming of making 4-stroke pipe to replace trhat exhaust chamber.
lots of animals I can kill and eat if I need to, and...a large arsenal to fend off strangers.
I got that part covered and live right on a river. Mushrooms are coming up now. The kind you eat without seeing things...
I could have done that on my Honda 50 in 1968. Now....I could walk thru it without knocking down more than a dozen cones......:whistling:If I could walk that far!!
Beauty is in the eye of the Beer Holder. I named my 85 "Ugly" but nobody ever said I was normal. I seem to get opinions pretty often that I don't care for. I put them the same place I do those threats from my neighbor about what he is going to do with his Hardley. ( The neighbor I can never catch on the road) I may some day pick up a Voyager. I don't want a full time trike and don't give a Rats Ass what others think of it.