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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. If you are having trouble just grab a can of BerryMan's and save a few bucks. Dump the whole can in a 1/2 tank let those carbs know you mean it. Have you ever done a Sea-Foam soak? Later if this don't work we can try that. BerryMan's is a good cleaner just a little harsher than Sea-Foam and I don't like to use it all the time. But great for what I think you got going on. Dump the BerryMan's in run it enough to get it all thru system and leave it sit overnight. BerryMan's at Wally World less than 4 bucks a can.Techron is another good one that Wally World has but more costly. BerryMan's is what I use for dirty carbs. Sea-Foam to keep it running right. And you could loose a set of plugs with all the cleaners. I use AutoLite 4163's when I'm having problems. A lot cheaper if ya ruin them. BerryMan's also has spray great for outside of carbs and any hole you can squirt it in on the carbs. KInd od like Sea-Foam Deep Creep.
  2. How many Motorcycles is Too many?? Sure woiuldn't want to go over the limit but if that one I tried to find the other day had been there... And the Warden was with me and agreeing!!!
  3. Might not be there.
  4. I don't dare let the Warden know how much I got in these things!! She is already talking Yard Sale!! But I'm not concerned, a few rounds over their head as they get out of their car from the garage should keep customers down....
  5. OK Looking thru my parts and in the back of my storage ifound not one, not two but 3 new Avons Venom X's Two Front (one mounted on wheel) and a rear. Both fronts are dated 2205 and the rear is 2806. Gives a little hint what my parts are like... These were in fairly dark shaded storage. THOUGHTS?? I'm probally going to run them anyway but what should I keep a eye out for? These must have been just before my 1st accident but I don't remember them. I've been right beside them hundreds of times just never looked down.
  6. I think if I went as far as to pull them I would replace them anyway.
  7. Don't ya know by now Ya Can't Win!!
  8. Guess you didn't see the metal coathanger I had for a antenna...
  9. Congrats Mike!!:clap2:
  10. That motor is the one part that hasn't been changed. Need a speedometer with enough numbers on it for the thing.:rasberry:
  11. That was my thoughts. Too little light output but they sure look good. Isn't this bulb the one they make in several sizes? What happens if you put a 35w in? Burns up socket??
  12. http://www.ebay.com/itm/151050696936?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Is there a reason these wouldn't work good on a 1st Gen?? My next question. How much light output would you get?? I just thought they looked good. Doing the Wally world things now.
  13. Follow is one thing I don't do well.... The Famous "Blue Beast" still has a few parts to be changed before getting on the road again. But that day is coming. I keep hearing of all these "Bad" bikes but.... I read you fine Lou. On occasion I've had more than one thought at a time in my head. There are all these voices.......
  14. I think that change of underware is in danger..Might be room for a toothbrush...
  15. Let me see I live between Charleston and Summersville. Where are you??
  16. I'm Sorry Allen.... CONGRATS!! BOTH of Ya!! Man thats a long sentence..... Hope you make it many more!!:clap2:
  17. Quick Step is in TROUBLE!!!
  18. Yeah 1st Gens don't go slow enough to rubberneck...
  19. Humm.... All quiet from down under..... Did they fall off??
  20. Left Ohio went past Charleston West Virginia and Summersville WV to Charleston SC and is in Summersville SC!! No wonder I get Lost!!! Sync the carbs and RIDE IT!!!
  21. He gone yet?? Can we start talking about him yet??
  22. Sounds like you are getting to know her. "BLUE BEAST" 110 in 3rd gear!! Stick it in your ear Dingy I SAW IT!!! Stopping him before he gets started Lou. He is a Non-believer....
  23. Yeah, Yeah They said it was going to rain yesterday. Didn't happen.... :whistling:Aussies landing?? Where is Paul Revere when ya need him.....
  24. 77to 250 to 58?
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