Shhhh!! 83-84 bout the same. Old antiques that won't fall out of a tree...
Just keep them in the dark. They grow better..:rotfl:
Hope you get a lot of smiles per miles out of the new one. Keep us posted. You know you can't get away!!
Hard shifting?? My 86 shifts a lot harder than my 85. My 85 is just so much easier I'm thinking 86 is going out. Been that way for year now don't seem to be getting any worse but just not the same. 85 only has 24k on it. 86 has 75k almost broke in.
I was thinking something like that but wasn't sure what I was thinking. Did you post that when it happened Buddy? This is the same connection that corrodes and fails? I think its white with 3 wires? Or is this the 4 wire one that goes to TCI? Unplug it carefully it could be brittle and want to fall apart but I think Buddy could be right. Clean a little and replug. Better yet just pull apart and stick back togather and try. Get you home and worry about cleaning later. And soldering.... I'm sure you got side covers off. Clean what connections you see and make sure they are getting contact.
Berry Man's close to Sea-Foam and other cleaners It is B-12
Fuel Treatment
Red,white, blue & yellow can. They have a spray and a liquid.Spray great for cleaning outside and throats of carb and jets you can reach.