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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Two here.
  2. 2nd Gen on a trailer going over a cliff after a downhill run??? Not even close....
  3. Hope you get fixed. Well maybe not fixed. Hope you get your back back in shape. Er..I hope it comes out as good as that bike did!! :clap2:You did a great job on it! Good luck.
  4. Have a bear tearing out our trash every time we put it out in the can for pick-up. I've already cut me a switch!!
  5. 41 yrs Ron?? What a man!!! CONGRATS!! :clap2:
  6. That's what I'm saying. I love the Jardines on "Ugly" but "Brown Sugar" is easier to ride.
  7. :rotfl::rotfl: Rings a bell don't it??
  8. A week and it would have been outrunning 2nd Gens......
  9. I could use some help!!
  10. And we charge 12 bucks a year for all that info....
  11. I had her 1/2 way agreeing. But I sat a limit and stayed with it this time.
  12. Just cause you mad at the bike you don't have to start using words like that!!!
  13. One of these days I'm going to hook one of then up just to see!! I bought them for insurance then I sit and think. Could I be looseing a couple of horses with the old ones?? New ones are better?? If I was having problems with mine I would sure see Gary. His set-up would be hard to beat and he always has a answer for you!!! I even remember once when he was RIGHT!!! All joking aside Gary's setup would be very hard to beat. I haven't run one yet. Lucky I haven't had to. I replaced the TCI on "Brown Sugar" the 1st week I had her. Is she running right? If not there are a few that hope she never does!!! Phone??
  14. I got ya back Steve. I like pipes you can hear but overloud are just that. I don't want to ride behind them. Haven't had any trouble getting in front of them.....
  15. Bring poles leave tent....
  16. I intended 450 for this one. Hope somebody here got it. I think it could be brought back pretty easy and be a good ride. Fill it with BerryMan's before you do anything!!! Dang I wanted to do that one. It was a long trip for it anyway. http://www.ebay.com/itm/281120629967?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649
  17. WAS HIS NAME GEORGE???:think::rotfl:
  18. No Guarantees. I never got to meet him but R.I.P. friend. Prayers or family.
  19. Yeah I run my mouth about this one some will swipe so I'll just shut up. I got better things to do.
  20. Where can we order these shirts???
  21. Tire pressure and Steering head adjust. Takes 10 minutes. Or Trade it for a 1st Gen and do the same thing, only faster......
  22. CONGRATS CARL!!! :clap2::clap2: Do make a feller stop and think. Would you do it over again? I think ypu are like me on that one. HELL YEAH!!! What a Ride!!!
  23. Not old enough yet,,,,,
  24. Probally not. Not sure I'm buying yet. Time getting tight for me again.
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