Hey Boo. I wouldn't steal the boss's thread or anything. Just wanted to say Hi. I hadn't noticed you on here for a while.... Maybe I was taking a nap......
You will blow the front with pressure that high. Progressive springs is what you need although it is good to check other stuff that was suggested. With Progressives you don't have to run any air but I run 2-7 lbs just to make me feel better.
I've had this name since 1973!! Who do they think they are!!! Ought to get a million or 2.... PARTY.....
Good one to remember Carl. Bleeding these things can be a pain at times. If I had trouble and got it going I would still do the tie-back thing the 1st chance I got. It really works well but does require waiting for it to work.
After commenting on your thread this morning Mike I guess I thought you needed company for a while. Went to the gym and did bent over rows with 225 lbs. OUCH!! Old men ain't supposed to do that!! Hope you recover quickly!!I'm wondering if I will ever walk again!!Did I say OUCH?? I knew better than that but working out with Kids.......It just made me think how it would be to be in this shape all the time. GOOD LUCK!!!