Noticed my 86 handling a little different on way back from national. Seems a little loose. I put it on center stand and did the check and it seems OK. BUT when you turn it back and forth by hand slowely it seems to have a indent right in the middle. Never noticed one this bad. Moving it back and forth it seems to fall into a notch right in the middle. Just pushing it with a finger it will fall into notch and bounce back and forth a few times?? Move it faster and you can barely feel it. Too many miles on head bearings?? I didn't try to adjust. Should I?? Or plan on replacing bearings this winter?? It just seems loose or sloppy at low speeds.
HEY Earl!! Trying to get my eyes off the road!!! Don't ya like me anymore?? I've had enough Idiots run over me!! I've just got too many things going on here. I thought I would add another this year and that would be a good one but just too busy so far. And with a parts bike:whistling:
Exhaust plugged. Feel exhaust coming out pipe. Is it what it should be and increase as you rev engine?? If not find pats store get exhaust connector same size as pipe cut into behind converter drive rod thru it put back togather and go. Just don't tell Uncle Sam.