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Yammer Dan

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Everything posted by Yammer Dan

  1. Got home to clean up and take nap. Warden got tests for next two days at least. Hoping they get her fixed thois time. She won't admit it but she is feeling guilty about taking me away from new bike when I was getting to know it. Told me to stop on way home and check on oil and filters. It is probally getting a change on the oil. 10 bucks a quart is one of the things I won't do.
  2. Stillin hospital. Tests after tests but at least they are finally looking. I went off a little on doc in ER. Called him idiot and it worked this time. They started looking for cause. Be here til at lest tuesday i think and i cant do much with this stupid i pad. Holding up ride on new to me bike!!!
  3. Been in hospital withwarden most of last two days.good thing they finally got a doc that wants toknow why instead of doping herup and sending her home! Have i missed anything???
  4. Its starting to look naked....
  5. Embarrassed the Warden. I bet she won't forget them again. That's as bad as loading my gun. With no Ammo!!
  6. Gary was going to deliver!! Its GONE!!
  7. If I can't tinker with it I don't want it!! I think I can remember where all the pieces go back...
  8. Dec or 1st of Jan in Illinios ?? Better check your long johns!!
  9. Mark would have loved the chance to say that!! I got it pointed in that direction!!
  10. Put plates in wrong. Didn't line up notches.
  11. ETX20L Battery. I found seat screws. Thumbscrews. Sweet. Killed batter other day in driveway playing with everything. Left sit about ahr it came right back up but I thought I would put float charger on while I'm taking apart.....
  12. :clap2:
  13. Thanks got one of them close. Where are bolts to remove seat? One at rear of seat? What Battery is in it? I'll have a thousand questions. Or at least 100. I did turn it around and point it out of garage.
  14. When he gets all he can out pull handle in against handlebar and tie it there. Leave lid loose and it will bleed itself overnight.
  15. Nowhere in the owners Manual does it give what oil filter. Couldn't find Mobile Racing at Wally World. May get a change if I can't get it without hunting everywhere. It only has about 100 miles on oil but I like to be ready.
  16. Leave the Nurses alone Rick!!!
  17. # for oil filter??
  18. Mary Ann
  19. Warden giving me evil looks......
  20. I got a tent.....
  21. Mine has the Diamond R Leveling links. Could lower it another inch (I think I would really like that) but Don about convinced me to leave them. There is no air in front with the Sonic springs. On my 1st Gen even with Progressives I keep just a little air in there to keep system honest and working. Good idea??I would have to find pump for this one:think:.
  22. Yeah they once told my family that if I did wake up I would be vegetable. Took 13 day nap and morning they were going to unplug me I woke up!! Some strange stories about that experience.
  23. Skid has one in his back yard!!:crying:
  24. Guess I should check my 99. I was looking before you guys figured they wouldn't work. I think I have a set somewhere for 1st Gen.(Didn't find yet) Is there very many parts that will interchange between !st and 2nd? Could be interesting.
  25. Have you tried the Sea-Foam??
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